Microprocessors Textbooks

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Whether people know what they are or not, microprocessors are now a fundamental part of our everyday lives and our world would change beyond recognition without them. Microprocessors, also known as the Central Processing Unit (CPU), are the brain of all computers, household and electronic devices. It wasn't until the 1980's that computers started entering our homes, but in the short space of time since then they have dramatically changed the way most of us live. Our range of affordable microprocessors textbooks are a great way of learning all about this interesting and very relevant subject. A qualification in this subject can lead you into many different areas of work. Microprocessors are used in wide-ranging areas such as, aviation, meteorology, engineering and nuclear physics. Buy or rent our cheap microprocessors textbooks to gain an in-depth knowledge of the many different applications and uses of microprocessors. Our new and used textbooks are all in great condition and we deliver them to the address of your choice. At the end of your course we can buy back your microprocessors books.

Results 1 - 50 of 212 for Microprocessors Textbooks
Modern Processor Design Fundamentals of Superscaler Processors by Shen, John P., Lipasti, Mikko ISBN: 9780070570641 List Price: $150.00
Microcontroller Theory and Applications; Hc12 and S12 by Pack, Daniel J., Barrett, S... ISBN: 9780136152057 List Price: $141.00
Microprocessor Design A Practical Guide from Design Planning to Manufacturing by McFarland, Grant ISBN: 9780071459518 List Price: $79.95
Introduction to Embedded Systems: Interfacing to the Freescale 9S12 by Valvano, Jonathan W. ISBN: 9780495411376 List Price: $180.95
Microprocessors and Microcomputers Hardware and Software by Tocci, Ronald J., Ambrosio,... ISBN: 9780130609045 List Price: $160.40
Pic Microcontroller An Introduction to Software and Hardware Interfacing by Huang, Han-Way, Chartrand, Leo ISBN: 9781401839673 List Price: $158.95
Microprocessors Principles and Applications by Gilmore, Charles M. ISBN: 9780028018379 List Price: $102.25
Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, And Systems Featuring the 8085 by Routt, William ISBN: 9781418032418 List Price: $142.95
8051 Microcontroller, The (4th Edition) by I. Scott MacKenzie, Raphael... ISBN: 9780130195623 List Price: $101.60
80386, 80486, and Pentium Processors Hardware, Software, and Interfacing by Triebel, Walter A. ISBN: 9780135332252 List Price: $155.60
Using Microprocessors and Microcomputers The Motorola Family by Wray, William C., Greenfiel... ISBN: 9780138404062 List Price: $160.40
Microprocessor Hardware and Software Concepts by Rooney, Victor M., Ismail, ... ISBN: 9780024034700 List Price: $43.03
80286 Microprocessor Hardware, Software, and Interfacing by Triebel, Walter A., Singh, ... ISBN: 9780132465472 List Price: $135.40
Intro.to Microprocessors Using Mc6809.. by Horvath, Ralph ISBN: 9780070305076 List Price: $50.25
8086/8088 Family of Microprocessors by Subbarao, Wunnava V. ISBN: 9780827338005 List Price: $93.95
Programming the 80286, 80386, 80486, and Pentium-Based Personal Computer by Brey, Barry B. ISBN: 9780023142635 List Price: $156.00
Design with PIC Microcontrollers by John B. Peatman ISBN: 9780137592593 List Price: $153.00
Microprocessor Systems Design 68000 Hardware, Software, and Interfacing by Clements, Alan ISBN: 9780534948221 List Price: $173.95
8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems by Mazidi, Muhammad Ali, Mazid... ISBN: 9780138610227 List Price: $121.00
Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 by Gaonkar, Ramesh S. ISBN: 9780130195708 List Price: $143.60
Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications With the 8085 by Gaonkar, Ramesh S. ISBN: 9780139012570 List Price: $136.00
Advanced Intel Microprocessors: 80286, 80386, and 80486 by Brey, Barry B. ISBN: 9780023142451 List Price: $80.00
Intel 32-Bit Microprocessors 80386, 80486, And Pentium by Brey, Barry B. ISBN: 9780023142604 List Price: $130.60
6800 Microprocessor by Quinn, Jack ISBN: 9780675205153 List Price: $135.60
Microprocessor Interfacing by Staugaard, Andrew C., Jr. ISBN: 9780871190772 List Price: $24.95
Microprocessors and Microcomputers The 6800 Family by Tocci, Ronald J., Laskowski... ISBN: 9780135817452 List Price: $123.20
Microprocessors+microcomputers by Laskowski, Lester, Tocci, R... ISBN: 9780132359467 List Price: $97.33
Guide To Risc Processors For Programmers And Engineers by Dandamudi, Sivarama ISBN: 9780387210179 List Price: $99.00
Z80 Microprocessor Architecture, Interfacing, Programming, and Design by Gaonkar, Ramesh M. ISBN: 9780130255181 List Price: $143.60
80x86 Family:design,program.,-w/3disk by Uffenbeck, John ISBN: 9780133629552 List Price: $93.75
Programming the 29k RISC Family by Mann, Daniel ISBN: 9780130918932 List Price: $39.80
Surviving the Design of a 200 RISC Microprocessor: Lessons Learned by Milutinovic, Veljko ISBN: 9780818673436 List Price: $35.00
Microprocessor-Based System Design by Comer, David J. ISBN: 9780030637810 List Price: $102.00
Eighty Eighty-Seven Primer by Palmer, John F., Morse, Ste... ISBN: 9780471875697 List Price: $16.95
Microcomputer Systems The 8086/8088 Family Architecture, Programming, and Design by Liu, Yu-Cheng, Gibson, Glen... ISBN: 9780135804995 List Price: $94.00
Principles of Microprocessors by Sayers, I. L., Robson, A. P... ISBN: 9780849386053 List Price: $94.95
Introduction to Microprocessors With the Intel 8085 by Seeger, John A. ISBN: 9780155435278 List Price: $64.95
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