For a one-semester introductory course in microprocessors, this text covers the basic principles of microprocessors, microprocessor systems, and interfacing. As an example, the widely used Intel 8085A microprocessor is described in detail. The 8085A provides a case study which any sophomore-level engineering technology or computer science student can understand with little difficulty--as opposed to the newer 16- or 32-bit microprocessors--and which allows for coverage of all the important introductory concepts. The book is divided into 15 Chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction to microprocessors, including an outline of their historical development and descriptions of several applications. The basic architecture of microprocessors and microprocessor systems is covered in Chapters 2 and 3. Chapters 4 and 5 present programming and some basic features of the instructions. The 8085A instruction set is covered in detail in Chapters 6 through 10, with examples illustrating its use. Chapters 11 through 14 address input/output and interfacing, with numerous examples. Finally, Chapter 15 is a brief description of some other important microprocessors.Seeger, John A. is the author of 'Introduction to Microprocessors With the Intel 8085' with ISBN 9780155435278 and ISBN 0155435272.
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