Microprocessors Textbooks
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Whether people know what they are or not, microprocessors are now a fundamental part of our everyday lives and our world would change beyond recognition without them. Microprocessors, also known as the Central Processing Unit (CPU), are the brain of all computers, household and electronic devices. It wasn't until the 1980's that computers started entering our homes, but in the short space of time since then they have dramatically changed the way most of us live. Our range of affordable microprocessors textbooks are a great way of learning all about this interesting and very relevant subject. A qualification in this subject can lead you into many different areas of work. Microprocessors are used in wide-ranging areas such as, aviation, meteorology, engineering and nuclear physics. Buy or rent our cheap microprocessors textbooks to gain an in-depth knowledge of the many different applications and uses of microprocessors. Our new and used textbooks are all in great condition and we deliver them to the address of your choice. At the end of your course we can buy back your microprocessors books.