At a time when the costs of a college education continue to rise, students are often looking to save money wherever they can. In recent years, the price of textbooks has skyrocketed, and only 25% of students now buy new textbooks.

The need to reduce textbook expenses has led to a growing market in reselling used books, and today, students have a vast number of options for making money from their textbooks. Both online and offline outlets have offered their services to students who are looking to get money back on their used books, and it’s important for students to choose the best option for their needs.

Some students may elect to resell their textbooks within the community, reaching out to classmates and friends to find potential buyers in need of a certain book. Online venues like eBay, Craigslist, and Amazon Marketplace make the student responsible for making the sale, while an outlet like ValoreBooks offers a guaranteed quote and payment for eligible textbooks.

In our comprehensive guide to reselling your textbooks, you’ll learn about every aspect of making the sale. From preparing your textbooks and presenting them in the best light, to pricing them accurately and shipping them, we’ll show you how to sell your used books from start to finish. Read on, and learn more about your options for making money with your used textbooks – it’s easier than you think.

Textbook Economics 101 Chapter 1 Textbook Economics 101 Chapter 2 Textbook Economics 101 Chapter 3 Textbook Economics 101 Chapter 4 Textbook Economics 101 Chapter 5 Textbook Economics 101 Chapter 6 Textbook Economics 101 Chapter 7 Textbook Economics 101 Chapter 1