Mobile & Wireless Communications Books

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Results 101 - 150 of 2,417 for Mobile & Wireless Communications Books
The Inside Text: Social, Cultural and Design Perspectives on SMS (Computer Supported Coopera... by Harper, R, Palen, L., Taylo... ISBN: 9789048167807 List Price: $159.00
Motorola ATRIX For Dummies by Loguidice, Bill, Gookin, Dan ISBN: 9781118107379 List Price: $24.99
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Energy-Efficient Real-Time Data Communications by Tavli, Bulent, Heinzelman, ... ISBN: 9789048171583 List Price: $169.00
How Wireless Works by Freed, Les ISBN: 9780789724878 List Price: $29.99
Wireless Communication Systems Advanced Techniques for Signal Reception by Wang, Xiaodong, Poor, H. Vi... ISBN: 9780130214355 List Price: $106.50
Ad Hoc Wireless Networking by Cheng, Xiuzhen, Huang, Xiao... ISBN: 9781402077128 List Price: $252.00
Complete Wireless Home Networking by Heltzel, Paul ISBN: 9780131461536 List Price: $19.99
Uwb Pulse-Based Radio by Vereecken, Wim, Steyaert, M... ISBN: 9789048124497 List Price: $129.00
Multimedia Transmission over Emerging Wireless Technologies by Kotsopoulos, Stavros, Dagiu... ISBN: 9789774540240 List Price: $20.00
Small Tech by Rieder, David M., Rieder, D... ISBN: 9780816649785 List Price: $25.00
Introduction to Mobile Telephone Systems 1g, 2g, 2.5g, and 3g Technologies and Services by Harte, Lawrence ISBN: 9781932813937 List Price: $19.99
Ip Multimedia Subsystem (Ims) Session Control and Other Network Operations by Russell, Travis ISBN: 9780071488532 List Price: $79.95
Mimo Wireless Communications by Biglieri, Ezio, Calderbank,... ISBN: 9780521873284 List Price: $100.00
Multimedia over Ip and Wireless Networks Compression, Networking, and Systems by Chou, Philip A., van der Sc... ISBN: 9780120884803 List Price: $87.95
Cisco 802.11 Wireless Networking Quick Reference by Velte, Toby J., Velte, Anth... ISBN: 9781587052279 List Price: $25.00
Interference Avoidance Methods for Wireless Systems by Popescu, Dimitrie C., Rose,... ISBN: 9780306481888 List Price: $129.00
Texture : Human Expression in the Age of Communications Overload by Harper, Richard, Anupama, G... ISBN: 9780262083744 List Price: $29.95
The Development Dimension Internet Access for Development by Organisation for Economic C... ISBN: 9789264056305 List Price: $63.00
MIMO Wireless Communications by Biglieri, Ezio, Calderbank,... ISBN: 9780521137096 List Price: $47.00
Cross-Layer Optimized Wireless Multimedia Communications by Wang, Haohong, Huang, Jianw... ISBN: 9789774540097 List Price: $22.00
Iphone for Dummies, 2nd Edition by Baig, Edward C., LeVitus, Bob ISBN: 9780470423424 List Price: $21.99
Coordinated Multiuser Communications by Schlegel, Christian, Grant,... ISBN: 9789048170333 List Price: $169.00
An Experimental Approach to CDMA and Interference Mitigation: From System Architecture to Ha... by Fanucci, Luca, Luise, Marco... ISBN: 9781441954213 List Price: $139.00
Introduction to Ultra Wideband for Wireless Communications (Signals and Communication Techno... by Nikookar, Homayoun, Prasad,... ISBN: 9789048176847 List Price: $129.00
BlackBerry For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) by Kao, Robert, Sarigumba, Dante ISBN: 9780470607008 List Price: $24.99
Wireless Home Networking Simplified by Doherty, Jim, Anderson, Nei... ISBN: 9781587201615 List Price: $24.99
Introduction To Wireless Billing; Usage Recording, Charge Processing, System Setup, And Real... by Ofrane, Avi, Harte, Lawrence ISBN: 9780974694382 List Price: $14.99
Space-Time Wireless Channels by Durgin, Gregory D. ISBN: 9780130656476 List Price: $94.00
Radio Propagation for Modern Wireless Systems by Bertoni, Henry L. ISBN: 9780130263735 List Price: $90.00
Droid 3 For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) by Gookin, Dan ISBN: 9781118157213 List Price: $24.99
Turbo Code Applications : A Journey from a Paper to Realization by Sripimanwat, Keattisak ISBN: 9789048169313 List Price: $159.00
Voice over IP in Wireless Heterogeneous Networks : Signaling, Mobility and Security by Fathi, Hanane, Chakraborty,... ISBN: 9789048176830 List Price: $159.00
Enhanced Radio Access Technologies for Next Generation Mobile Communication by Park, Yongwan, Adachi, Fumi... ISBN: 9789048173860 List Price: $135.00
Ad-Hoc Networking Towards Seamless Communications by Gavrilovska, Liljana, Prasa... ISBN: 9789048172726 List Price: $115.00
RF Power Amplifiers for Mobile Communications by Reynaert, Patrick, Steyaert... ISBN: 9789048172863 List Price: $149.00
Taking Your iPhone 5 to the Max by Sadun, Erica, Sande, Steve,... ISBN: 9781430235811 List Price: $24.99
Digital Beamforming in Wireless Communications by Lo, Titus K., Litva, John ISBN: 9780890067123 List Price: $118.00
Cellular Radio Analog and Digital Systems by Mehrotra, Asha Kumar ISBN: 9780890067314 List Price: $20.00
Cellular Radio Systems by Balston, D. M., Macario, Ra... ISBN: 9780890066461 List Price: $156.00
Gsm System Engineering by Mehrotra, Asha K. ISBN: 9780890068601 List Price: $154.00
Wcdma (Umts) Deployment Handbook Planning and Optimization Aspects by Baker, Kenneth R., Garavagl... ISBN: 9780470033265 List Price: $130.00
Cdma Rf System Engineering by Yang, Samuel C. ISBN: 9780890069912 List Price: $138.00
Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks: Architectures and Protocols by Hossain, Ekram ISBN: 9780387097763 List Price: $129.00
Wireless Location in Cdma Cellular Radio Systems by Caffery, James J. ISBN: 9780792377030 List Price: $183.00
Mobile And Wireless Communications Networks by Belding-Royer, Elizabeth M.... ISBN: 9780387231488 List Price: $189.00
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