Mobile & Wireless Communications Books

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Would you like to choose from more than two thousand different text books relating to this part of technology and engineering as a subject? If you would you can get the books you want right here for affordable prices. Our selection of pre-owned books enables you to buy cheap mobile and wireless communications textbooks with ease. Check out the wide range of titles below and choose the ones that will help you most with your college course. We offer purchase prices and also rental prices, so you can rent mobile and wireless communications textbooks online here for a semester or quarter. Discounted prices are very easy to find here and you can certainly look for affordable options on all these books. They include Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice; Fundamentals of Wireless Communication; Introduction to Wireless Systems; and Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols. As you will see we regularly knock more than 50% off the prices of these books too!

Results 2401 - 2417 of 2,417 for Mobile & Wireless Communications Books
Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering by Chang, Kai ISBN: 9780471654476 List Price: $404.00
Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering by Chang, Kai ISBN: 9780471654445 List Price: $404.00
Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering by Chang, Kai ISBN: 9780471654452 List Price: $404.00
Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering by Chang, Kai ISBN: 9780471654483 List Price: $404.00
Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering by Chang, Kai ISBN: 9780471654490 List Price: $404.00
Introduction to LTE : LTE, LTE-Advanced, SAE and 4G Mobile Communications by Cox, Christopher ISBN: 9781119942825 List Price: $85.00
Shared Technology : A Road Map for Traditional and Emerging Industries To 2008 by Eeoz Training Standards Sta... ISBN: 9780975115800
ICSPCS'2008 Proceedings : International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Sy... by Wysocki, Beata Joanna, Wyso... ISBN: 9780975693438 List Price: $25.00
HF Monitoring Handbook 2005 : The Compendium of HF Utility Transmissions by Unknown ISBN: 9780976616207 List Price: $64.95
M2M : The Wireless Revolution by Brazell, Jim, Dexheimer, Jo... ISBN: 9780976850342
Mobile Information and Communication Systems by Simon, Aleksander M. ISBN: 9780978860622
Being Mobile : Future Wireless Technologies and Applications by Webb, William ISBN: 9781107000537 List Price: $75.00
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