Mobile & Wireless Communications Books

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Results 51 - 100 of 2,417 for Mobile & Wireless Communications Books
Technologies For The Wireless Future Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) by Tafazolli, Rahim ISBN: 9780470012352 List Price: $185.00
Mobile Communication And Society A Global Perspective by Castells, Manuel, Fernandez... ISBN: 9780262033558 List Price: $31.95
Introduction To Gsm Physical Channels, Logical Channels, Network, And Operation by Harte, Lawrence ISBN: 9781932813043 List Price: $14.99
Motorola Xoom Companion by Slack, Sally E., Ballew, Joli ISBN: 9781118013779 List Price: $19.99
Cdma Principles of Spread Spectrum Communication by Viterbi, Andrew J. ISBN: 9780201633740 List Price: $64.95
iPhone 3GS Portable Genius: Also covers iPhone 3G by McFedries, Paul, Mcfedries ISBN: 9780470524220 List Price: $25.00
Introduction to 3G Mobile Communications by Korhonen, Juha ISBN: 9781580535076 List Price: $99.00
iPhone the Missing Manual by Pogue, David ISBN: 9780596521677
MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB by Cho, Yong Soo, Kang, Chung-... ISBN: 9780470825617 List Price: $130.00
Wireless Communications by Molisch, Andreas F. ISBN: 9780470741870 List Price: $145.00
Wireless Network Evolution: 2G to 3G by Vijay K. Garg ISBN: 9780130280770 List Price: $99.00
LTE Signaling : Troubleshooting and Optimization by Kreher, Ralf, Gaenger, Karsten ISBN: 9780470689004 List Price: $120.00
Wireless Positioning Technologies and Applications by Bensky, Alan ISBN: 9781596931305 List Price: $99.00
Small Antenna Handbook by Hansen, Robert C., Collin, ... ISBN: 9780470890837 List Price: $125.00
SMS Uprising: Mobile Activism in Africa by Eagle, Nathan, Ekine, Sokari ISBN: 9781906387358 List Price: $20.95
Wireless Home Networking in Easy Steps by Westhead, Bill, Price, Michael ISBN: 9781840783650
Introduction to Smart Antennas by Balanis, Constantine A., Io... ISBN: 9781598291766 List Price: $40.00
Fundamentals of LTE (Prentice Hall Communications Engineering and Emerging Technologies Series) by Ghosh, Arunabha, Muhamed, R... ISBN: 9780137033119 List Price: $79.99
Wireless Networks by Georgios I. Papadimitriou, ... ISBN: 9780470845295 List Price: $125.00
Principles of Wireless Networks A Unified Approach by Pahlavan, Kaveh, Krishnamur... ISBN: 9780130930033 List Price: $95.00
SAE and the Evolved Packet Core: Driving the Mobile Broadband Revolution by Olsson, Magnus, Sultana, Sh... ISBN: 9780123748263 List Price: $121.00
Wireless and Personal Communications Systems by Garg, Vijay K., Wilkes, Jos... ISBN: 9780132346269 List Price: $94.00
Essential Guide to Wireless Communications Applications From Cellular Systems to Wifi by Dornan, Andrew, Dornan, Andy ISBN: 9780130097187 List Price: $34.99
Teaching Generation Text: Using Cell Phones to Enhance Learning by Nielsen, Lisa, Webb, Willyn ISBN: 9781118076873 List Price: $22.95
Wireless Communications (Wiley - IEEE) by Andreas F. Molisch ISBN: 9780470848883 List Price: $90.00
Motorola XOOM For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) by Rathbone, Andy ISBN: 9781118088357 List Price: $24.99
Wireless Home Networking by BarCharts, Inc. ISBN: 9781423214519 List Price: $5.95
Wireless Networks First-step by Geier, Jim ISBN: 9781587201110 List Price: $34.95
Radiowave Propagation and Antennas for Personal Communications by Siwiak, Kazimierz, Bahreini... ISBN: 9781596930735 List Price: $149.00
Samsung Galaxy's for Dummies by Hughes, Bill ISBN: 9781118024478 List Price: $24.99
Rf Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications by Cripps, Steve C. ISBN: 9780890069899 List Price: $156.00
Cisco Networking Academy Program Fundamentals of Wireless Lans Lab Companion by Cisco Press Staff, Cisco Ne... ISBN: 9781587131219 List Price: $29.65
Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks by Verdone, Roberto, Dardari, ... ISBN: 9780123725394 List Price: $102.00
Vision Book of NEWCOM++ by Benedetto, Sergio ISBN: 9788847019829 List Price: $39.95
Sharing RF Spectrum with Commodity Wireless Technologies : Theory and Practice by Kruys, Jan, Qian, Luke ISBN: 9789400715844 List Price: $129.00
Introduction to Mobile Video, how to Send Live TV and Streaming Video to 2g and 3g Multimedi... by Harte, Lawrence, Clee, Stephen ISBN: 9781932813524 List Price: $19.99
Smart Antennas for Wireless Communications Is-95 and Third Generation Cdma Applications by Liberti, Joseph C., Rappapo... ISBN: 9780137192878 List Price: $99.00
Mobile Connection The Cell Phone's Impact on Society by Ling, Richard ISBN: 9781558609365 List Price: $44.95
More iPhone 3 Development: Tackling iPhone SDK 3 (Beginning) by Mark, Dave, LaMarche, Jeff ISBN: 9781430225058 List Price: $39.99
Wireless Transceiver Design Mastering the Design of Modern Wireless Equipment and Systems by Luzzatto, Ariel, Shirazi, Gadi ISBN: 9780470060766 List Price: $130.00
Globalisation of Mobile and Wireless Communications : Today and In 2020 by Prasad, Ramjee, Dixit, Sudh... ISBN: 9789400701069 List Price: $129.00
Network Coded Cooperative Communication scheme for: Cluster Networks by Mummana, Suresh Babu ISBN: 9783639153750 List Price: $66.00
My HTC EVO 3D by Watson, Lonzell ISBN: 9780789749093 List Price: $24.99
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