Rent Political Science Textbooks

Political science is an analysis of the various elements of politics, both on a personal level and on the level of an entire government system. It attempts to logically analyze the actions and methods of politicians, which is a difficult task even in the best of situations. Political science textbooks typically try to stay current with emerging trends, so purchasing a text book may not always be in your best interest. When you rent political science textbooks, however, you never have to concern yourself with whether or not your books retain their value. Textbook rental is an easy and affordable way to prepare for your classes. You can rent textbooks in political science as a whole, or in specialized categories like international relations, comparative politics, or the political structure of a certain nation. Even studies in fields like public administration and methodology are considered political science. Whatever your needs are, we have the political science textbooks that you need to be successful in your class.

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Results 201 - 250 of 14,323 Political Science Textbook Rentals
Ibss : Sociology 2009 by Compiled by the British Lib... ISBN: 9780415599283
Power & Choice: An Introduction to Political Science by W. Phillips Shively ISBN: 9780072322521
Political Science Student Writer's Man. by Scott, Gregory M., Garrison... ISBN: 9780130225580 List Price: $19.20
Writing in Political Science A Practical Guide by Schmidt, Diane E. ISBN: 9780321069986 List Price: $30.20
Praxis II Political Science by XAM Staff, Wynne, Sharon ISBN: 9781581970180 List Price: $28.95
Doing Feminist Research in Political and Social Science by Ackerly, Brooke, True, Jacqui ISBN: 9780230507777 List Price: $28.00
Model Discipline : Political Science and the Logic of Representations by Clarke, Kevin A., Primo, Da... ISBN: 9780195382204 List Price: $34.95
The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology (Oxford Handbooks of Political Science) by Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M.... ISBN: 9780199585564 List Price: $49.95
Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Political Science by Druckman, James N., Greene,... ISBN: 9780521174558 List Price: $48.00
The Oxford Handbook of Law and Politics (Oxford Handbooks of Political Science) by Whittington, Keith E., Kele... ISBN: 9780199585571 List Price: $49.95
A Primer in Social Choice Theory: Revised Edition by Gaertner, Wulf, London Scho... ISBN: 9780199565306 List Price: $39.95
Vocation Lectures Science As a Vocation,Politics As a Vocation by Weber, Max, Strong, Tracy, ... ISBN: 9780872206656 List Price: $13.95
US Politics and Climate Change : Science Confronts Policy by Sussman, Glen, Daynes, Byro... ISBN: 9781588268990 List Price: $49.95
Science in Environmental Policy: The Politics of Objective Advice (Politics, Science, and th... by Keller, Ann Campbell, Kelle... ISBN: 9780262512961 List Price: $26.00
Economics Mathematical Politics or Science of Diminishing Returns? by Rosenberg, Alexander ISBN: 9780226727240 List Price: $20.00
Knowledge and Environmental Policy : Re-Imagining the Boundaries of Science and Politics by Ascher, William, Steelman, ... ISBN: 9780262514378 List Price: $23.00
Toward a Rational Society; Student Protest, Science, and Politics. by Habermas, Jurgen, Shapiro, ... ISBN: 9780807041772 List Price: $22.00
Science and Politics of Racial Research by Tucker, William H. ISBN: 9780252065606 List Price: $33.00
Politics of Pure Science by Greenberg, Daniel ISBN: 9780226306322 List Price: $15.00
Common Thread A Story of Science, Politics, Ethics, and the Human Genome by Sulston, John, Ferry, Georgina ISBN: 9780309084093 List Price: $24.95
Political Science: Int'L Relations by BarCharts, Inc. ISBN: 9781423218302 List Price: $5.95
Political Science The State of the Discipline by Milner, Helen V., Katznelso... ISBN: 9780393051421 List Price: $52.00
Science and Dissent in Post-Mao China The Politics of Knowledge by Miller, H. Lyman ISBN: 9780295975320 List Price: $25.00
Open Mind : Cold War Politics and the Sciences of Human Nature by Cohen-Cole, Jamie ISBN: 9780226092164 List Price: $45.00
Einstein's Jewish Science : Physics at the Intersection of Politics and Religion by Gimbel, Steven ISBN: 9781421411828 List Price: $22.95
Case Against Fluoride : How Hazardous Waste Ended up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Scien... by Connett, Paul, Beck, James,... ISBN: 9781603582872 List Price: $24.95
Ozone Discourses Science and Politics in Global Environmental Cooperation by Litfin, Karen, Milner, Hele... ISBN: 9780231081375 List Price: $32.00
Playing Politics with Science: Balancing Scientific Independence and Government Oversight by Resnik, David B. ISBN: 9780195375893 List Price: $49.95
The Art and Politics of Science by Varmus, Harold E., Varmus, ... ISBN: 9780393061284 List Price: $24.95
Style Manual for Political Science by Unknown ISBN: 9781878147332 List Price: $6.00
Fathering across Diversity and Adversity: International Perspectives and Policy Intervention... by Doucet, Andrea, Edwards, Ro... ISBN: 9781412977661 List Price: $34.95
Welcome to Mars : Politics, Pop Culture, and Weird Science in 1950s America by Hollings, Ken, Davis, Erik ISBN: 9781583947616
Science, Policy and Politics of Modern Agricultural System : Global Context to Local Dynamic... by Behnassi, Mohamed, Shahid, ... ISBN: 9789400779563 List Price: $129.00
Elusive Transformation Science, Technology, and the Evolution of International Politics by Skolnikoff, Eugene B. ISBN: 9780691037707 List Price: $37.95
Liberal Political Science of Raymond Aron A Critical Introduction by Mahoney, Daniel J. ISBN: 9780847677160 List Price: $18.95
Novel Approach to Politics Introducing Political Science Through Books, Movies, and Popular ... by Van Belle, Douglas A., Mash... ISBN: 9781568028293 List Price: $55.95
Socio-Political Activism and Science and Technology Education by Bencze, John Lawrence, Also... ISBN: 9789400743595 List Price: $139.00
Supreme Court in the Federal Judicial System (Political Science) by Stephen L. Wasby ISBN: 9780830413126 List Price: $145.95
Foundation of Political Science: Research, Methods and Scope by Freeman, Donald M. ISBN: 9780029106709 List Price: $24.95
New Political Sociology of Science Institutions, Networks, And Power by Frickel, Scott, Moore, Kelly ISBN: 9780299213305 List Price: $60.00
Experiencing Citizenship Concepts And Models For Service-learning In Political Science by Battistoni, Richard M., Hud... ISBN: 9781563770074 List Price: $29.50
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