Rent Political Science Textbooks

Political science is an analysis of the various elements of politics, both on a personal level and on the level of an entire government system. It attempts to logically analyze the actions and methods of politicians, which is a difficult task even in the best of situations. Political science textbooks typically try to stay current with emerging trends, so purchasing a text book may not always be in your best interest. When you rent political science textbooks, however, you never have to concern yourself with whether or not your books retain their value. Textbook rental is an easy and affordable way to prepare for your classes. You can rent textbooks in political science as a whole, or in specialized categories like international relations, comparative politics, or the political structure of a certain nation. Even studies in fields like public administration and methodology are considered political science. Whatever your needs are, we have the political science textbooks that you need to be successful in your class.

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Results 1 - 50 of 14,323 Political Science Textbook Rentals
Power & Choice: An Introduction to Political Science by W. Phillips Shively ISBN: 9780078024771
Power & Choice: An Introduction to Political Science by Shively, W. Phillips ISBN: 9780073379036 List Price: $110.63
Political Science: An Introduction (13th Edition) by Michael G. Roskin, Robert L... ISBN: 9780205978007 List Price: $142.60
Political Science: An Introduction (9th Edition) by Roskin, Michael G. ISBN: 9780131932913 List Price: $89.80
Political Science: An Introduction Plus NEW MyPolisciLab with Pearson eText-- Access Card Pa... by Michael G. Roskin, Robert L... ISBN: 9780205979431 List Price: $143.13
Why Politics Matters: An Introduction to Political Science (Book Only) by Kevin L. Dooley ISBN: 9781285437675 List Price: $144.95
The Fundamentals of Political Science Research by Paul Kellstedt, Guy Whitten ISBN: 9781107621664 List Price: $75.00
Political Science Case Studies for Students by Torges, Gwendolyn ISBN: 9780131199880 List Price: $16.00
Power & Choice: An Introduction to Political Science by W. Phillips Shively ISBN: 9780073526362
Political Science Research Methods by Johnson ISBN: 9781608716890 List Price: $100.00
Political Science: An Introduction by Roskin, Michael G., Cord, R... ISBN: 9780205746927 List Price: $108.60
Writing in Political Science: A Practical Guide (4th Edition) by Diane E. Schmidt ISBN: 9780205617364 List Price: $79.80
Global Issues (3rd Edition) (Mysearchlab Series for Political Science) by Richard J. Payne ISBN: 9780205779086 List Price: $82.40
Political Science: An Introduction (12th Edition) by Michael G. Roskin, Robert L... ISBN: 9780205075942 List Price: $145.60
Political Science Research Methods, 6th Edition by Johnson J, Reynolds H ISBN: 9780872894426 List Price: $84.95
Political Science An Introduction by Roskin, Michael, Cord, Robe... ISBN: 9780132425766 List Price: $108.60
European Democracies (7th Edition) (Mysearchlab Series for Political Science Mysearchlab Ser... by Crepaz, Markus, Steiner, Jurg ISBN: 9780205779727 List Price: $69.80
The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change: A Guide to the Debate by Dessler, Andrew, Parson, Ed... ISBN: 9780521737401 List Price: $45.00
Political Science Research Methods by Johnson, Janet Buttolph, Re... ISBN: 9781568028743 List Price: $69.95
Political Science Research: A Handbook of Scope and Methods by Laurence F. Jones, Edward C... ISBN: 9780065016376 List Price: $223.20
Women, Politics, and American Society (5th Edition) (Longman Classics in Political Science) by McGlen, Nancy, O'Connor, Ka... ISBN: 9780205745418 List Price: $75.33
Human Polity A Comparative Introduction to Political Science by Lawson, Kay ISBN: 9780618425242 List Price: $101.95
Working with Political Science Research Methods by Johnson, Janet Buttolph, Re... ISBN: 9780872894945 List Price: $34.95
Political Science Research Methods by Janet Buttolph Johnson, Ric... ISBN: 9780871878076 List Price: $49.95
The Human Polity: A Comparative Introduction to Political Science by Kay Lawson ISBN: 9780395743560 List Price: $69.56
Power and Choice An Introduction to Political Science by Shively, W. Phillips ISBN: 9780072476668
Listening Looking and Living : Qualitative Research Political Science by Van Tassell, Darin, Novotny... ISBN: 9781465218414 List Price: $68.00
Governing An Introduction to Political Science by Ranney, Austin ISBN: 9780133262162 List Price: $65.00
Political Science: An Introduction (14th Edition) by Roskin, Michael G., Cord, R... ISBN: 9780134402857 List Price: $158.60
Political Science Student Writer's Manual by Scott, Gregory M., Garrison... ISBN: 9780205830121 List Price: $58.80
Why Politics Matters: An Introduction to Political Science (book only) by Kevin L. Dooley, Joseph N. ... ISBN: 9781133309451 List Price: $113.95
Showing 1 - 50 of 14323 - Browse More Political Science Textbook Rentals
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