Rent Nursing Textbooks

When you rent a Nursing textbook you're going to think you've somehow contracted just about every disease outlined within. Fortunately, these same textbooks rentals will teach you how to check (and lower!) your blood pressure when your midterms come up. Nurses master the inner workings of the human body--from the time a sperm delivers a pickup line to an egg to the intricacies of end-of-life care and everything in between. The unsung heroes and heroines of the medical industry (Florence Nightingale notwithstanding), nurses are often the first on the scene to manage a medical emergency. Drawing blood, dressing wounds, assisting in surgeries, and educating patients on everything from appendectomies to Zoloft, nurses have a wide range of skills and knowledge. And just wait until you find out how comfy it is to wear nursing scrubs! You'll feel like you're getting away with something when you roll into work wearing sea-foam-green pajamas.

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Results 17401 - 17450 of 17,456 Nursing Textbook Rentals
Medical-Surgical Nursing: Two Volume S : Medical-Surgical Nursing by Thomas, Kochuthresiamma ISBN: 9789356967649
Lectures On Medical Nursing. Delivered in the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow by Anderson, James Wallace ISBN: 9783385320543
The Code Calm Mindset: Mental Toughness Skills for Nurses in Medical Emergencies by Asken, Michael J., Mcmillen... ISBN: 9798869063434
Lectures On Medical Nursing. Delivered in the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow by Anderson, James Wallace ISBN: 9783385320536
Adult Health Nursing-I : Medical Surgical Nursing by Kumari, M. J. ISBN: 9789356964945
Independent Medical Exams: a Guide for Attorneys in the Use of Nurses by Aninye, Silvia ISBN: 9798218982744 List Price: $19.99
Custom City Coll of SF Lippincott CoursePoint Enhanced for Timby's Introductory Medical-Surg... by Timby, Barbara Kuhn, Smith,... ISBN: 9781975188634 List Price: $146.67
Custom Mich State U 36M Access CP for Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nu... by Hinkle, Janice L., Cheever,... ISBN: 9781975201289 List Price: $218.34
Custom Lippincott CoursePoint Enhanced for Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgic... by Hinkle, Janice L., Cheever,... ISBN: 9781975170110 List Price: $193.34
Nursing Science 2 Part 2: Intermediate Medical Surgical Nursing I by Lad Custom Publishing Inc. ISBN: 9798331604936
Nursing Science 3, Part 1: Intermediate Medical Surgical Nursing II by Lad Custom Publishing Inc. ISBN: 9798331604356
Medical Documentation, Billing and Coding for the Advanced Practice Nurse by Berger, Carol, Galakatos, T... ISBN: 9781032894409 List Price: $180.00
Medical Documentation, Billing and Coding for the Advanced Practice Nurse by Berger, Carol, Galakatos, T... ISBN: 9781032894393 List Price: $44.99
Nursing Student Pharmacology Medication Guide by Garner, C. ISBN: 9798331056667 List Price: $9.99
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