Rent Nursing Textbooks

When you rent a Nursing textbook you're going to think you've somehow contracted just about every disease outlined within. Fortunately, these same textbooks rentals will teach you how to check (and lower!) your blood pressure when your midterms come up. Nurses master the inner workings of the human body--from the time a sperm delivers a pickup line to an egg to the intricacies of end-of-life care and everything in between. The unsung heroes and heroines of the medical industry (Florence Nightingale notwithstanding), nurses are often the first on the scene to manage a medical emergency. Drawing blood, dressing wounds, assisting in surgeries, and educating patients on everything from appendectomies to Zoloft, nurses have a wide range of skills and knowledge. And just wait until you find out how comfy it is to wear nursing scrubs! You'll feel like you're getting away with something when you roll into work wearing sea-foam-green pajamas.

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