Rent Medical Science Textbooks

Going to medical school is a lot like going to superhero school. Once you graduate, you'll literally spend your days protecting (and saving!) thousands of people as you wage an ongoing battle against the villainous forces of entropy: illness, injury, and fear. You'll brandish a stethoscope rather than a light saber and wear a white lab coat rather than a colorful cape, but you'll be saving lives just the same. Between now and then, you've got a lot to learn from your Medical Science textbook rental: Anatomy, Physiology, Biology, Epidemiology, Pharmacology--so many –ologies that your brainy little head may come down with a case of vertigo. All your studying will pay off, though, the minute you tell your first patient they're going to be fine, and mean it, professionally. So rent a Medical textbook, start working on your fabulously illegible signature, and see how your name looks with a "Dr." in front...because the world is short on superheroes.

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Results 351 - 400 of 241,515 Medical Science Textbook Rentals
Introduction to Medical Terminology (Studyware) by Ann Ehrlich, Carol L. Schro... ISBN: 9781418030179 List Price: $98.95
Routledge Handbook of Medical Law and Ethics by Joly, Yann, Knoppers, Barth... ISBN: 9780415628181
The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 33rd Edition by Washington University Schoo... ISBN: 9781608310036 List Price: $63.99
Medical Terminology: A Living Language PLUS MyMedicalTerminologyLab with Pearson etext -- Ac... by Bonnie F. Fremgen, Suzanne ... ISBN: 9780133962031 List Price: $134.60
Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts & Practice by deWit, Susan C., Stromberg,... ISBN: 9780323243780 List Price: $93.95
Phipps' Medical-surgical Nursing Health and Illness Perspectives by Monahan, Frances Donovan, S... ISBN: 9780323031974 List Price: $138.00
Insurance Handbook for the Medical Office by Fordney, Marilyn ISBN: 9781437701289 List Price: $92.95
Workbook for Insurance Handbook for the Medical Office by Fordney, Marilyn ISBN: 9781455748112 List Price: $42.95
Medical Physiology: With Student Consult Online Access by Boron, Walter F., Boulpaep,... ISBN: 9781416031154 List Price: $129.00
Lippincott's Photo Atlas of Medication Administration by Lynn, Pamela ISBN: 9781451112481 List Price: $15.95
Medical Transcription : Techniques and Procedures by Diehl, Marcy O. ISBN: 9781437704396 List Price: $75.95
Medical Surgical Nursing: Preparation for Practice, Volume 2 by Osborn, Kathleen S., Wraa, ... ISBN: 9780136157380 List Price: $67.95
Study Guide for Today's Medical Assistant : Clinical and Administrative Procedures by Bonewit-West, Kathy, Hunt, Sue ISBN: 9781455701513 List Price: $39.95
Graduate Medical Education That Meets the Nation's Health Needs by Committee on the Governance... ISBN: 9780309303552 List Price: $67.00
Insurance Handbook for the Medical Office by Fordney, Marilyn ISBN: 9781437722567 List Price: $92.95
Being a Medical Records/Health Information Clerk (3rd Edition) by Kathryn McMiller RHIT RHIA ISBN: 9780131126718 List Price: $90.00
Medical Spanish Workbook by Thomas Kearon ISBN: 9780030266591 List Price: $144.95
Langman's Medical Embryology by Thomas W. Sadler PhD ISBN: 9781451113426 List Price: $79.99
Medical Terminology Express: A Short-Course Approach by Body System (Text, Audio CD & TermP... by Barbara A. Gylys MEd CMA-A... ISBN: 9780803623880 List Price: $49.95
Computerized Medical Office Procedures: A Worktext by Larsen, William D. ISBN: 9781416048343 List Price: $122.00
Study Guide for Kinn's The Administrative Medical Assistant: An Applied Learning Approach, 7e by Alexandra Patricia Adams BB... ISBN: 9781416054429 List Price: $44.95
Workbook for Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competenc... by Lindh, Wilburta Q., Pooler,... ISBN: 9781435419155 List Price: $72.95
Medical Terminology in a Flash!: A Multiple Learning Styles Approach by Sharon Eagle ISBN: 9780803625662 List Price: $58.95
Medical Coding Evaluation and Management by Gabriel-Jones, Kate A., Boh... ISBN: 9780132881562 List Price: $56.00
Computers in the Medical Office by Susan M. Sanderson ISBN: 9780073374604
Study Guide for Lindh/Pooler/Tamparo/Dahl/Morris' Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Assisting, 5th by Wilburta Q. Lindh, Marilyn ... ISBN: 9781133603016 List Price: $74.95
Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing by Smeltzer, Suzanne C. O'Conn... ISBN: 9780781759786 List Price: $119.95
Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 14e (Turnpenny, Em... by Peter D Turnpenny BSc MB ... ISBN: 9780702040436 List Price: $69.95
Medical-Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems by Lewis, Sharon Mantik, Dirks... ISBN: 9780323018555 List Price: $24.95
Medical Terminology Simplified: A Programmed Learning Approach by Body Systems (Text & Audio... by Barbara A. Gylys MEd CMA-A... ISBN: 9780803620919 List Price: $49.95
Electronic Health Records: Understanding the Medical Office Workflow, 1e by Rick Schanhals BSE ISBN: 9781455750221 List Price: $138.00
Saunders Medical Office Management, 3e by Alice Anne Andress CCS-P CCP ISBN: 9781416056683 List Price: $97.95
Hillcrest Medical Center: Beginning Medical Transcription by Ireland, Patricia, Stein, C... ISBN: 9781435441156 List Price: $113.95
Prentice-Hall Nursing Reviews & Rationales: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 2nd Edition by Mary Ann Hogan, Stacy Estri... ISBN: 9780131789708 List Price: $42.95
Computers in the Medical Office + Medisoft V. 17 Student-At-Home Software Pkg by Susan M. Sanderson ISBN: 9780077776633 List Price: $224.25
Administrative Medical Assisting: A Workforce Readiness Approach by Helen J., R.N. Houser, Terr... ISBN: 9780077628413 List Price: $118.05
Today's Medical Assistant: Clinical & Administrative Procedures, 2e by Kathy Bonewit-West BS MEd,... ISBN: 9781455701506 List Price: $107.00
Medical Nutrition Therapy for the Advanced Practice Nurse by Clark, Katie, Winter, Cheryl ISBN: 9780071771481
Workbook for Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography by Statkiewicz Sherer, Mary Al... ISBN: 9780323222167 List Price: $38.95
Medical Coding Fundamentals by Susan Goldsmith, Marc Leib ISBN: 9780073374987
Medical Insurance for Pharmacy Technicians by Liles, Janet, Newby, Cynthia ISBN: 9780073374161
Virtual Clinical Excursions 3.0 for Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8e by Sharon L. Lewis RN PhD FA... ISBN: 9780323079754 List Price: $71.95
Interpreting the Medical Literature by Gehlbach, Stephen H. ISBN: 9780071437899 List Price: $42.95
2012 Intravenous Medications: A Handbook for Nurses and Health Professionals (INTRAVENOUS ME... by Gahart, Betty L., Nazareno,... ISBN: 9780323057998 List Price: $48.95
Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic Illness and Disability by Falvo, Donna ISBN: 9781449694425 List Price: $113.95
Medical Electron Accelerators by C. J. Karzmark, Craig S. Nu... ISBN: 9780071054102 List Price: $125.00
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