Rent Medical Science Textbooks

Going to medical school is a lot like going to superhero school. Once you graduate, you'll literally spend your days protecting (and saving!) thousands of people as you wage an ongoing battle against the villainous forces of entropy: illness, injury, and fear. You'll brandish a stethoscope rather than a light saber and wear a white lab coat rather than a colorful cape, but you'll be saving lives just the same. Between now and then, you've got a lot to learn from your Medical Science textbook rental: Anatomy, Physiology, Biology, Epidemiology, Pharmacology--so many –ologies that your brainy little head may come down with a case of vertigo. All your studying will pay off, though, the minute you tell your first patient they're going to be fine, and mean it, professionally. So rent a Medical textbook, start working on your fabulously illegible signature, and see how your name looks with a "Dr." in front...because the world is short on superheroes.

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Results 301 - 350 of 241,515 Medical Science Textbook Rentals
Treatment of Child Abuse : Common Ground for Mental Health, Medical, and Legal Practitioners by Reece, Robert M., Hanson, R... ISBN: 9781421412733 List Price: $65.00
CPT 2013 Standard Edition (Current Procedural Terminology (Standard)) (Current Procedural Te... by American Medical Association ISBN: 9781603596831 List Price: $84.95
CPT 2017 Standard (Cpt / Current Procedural Terminology (Standard Edition)) by American Medical Association ISBN: 9781622023981 List Price: $89.95
Clinical Handbook for Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing by Hinkle, Janice L., Cheever,... ISBN: 9781451146677 List Price: $45.99
Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Clinical Reasoning in Patient Care by Priscilla LeMone, Karen M. ... ISBN: 9780133985054 List Price: $41.53
MyHealthProfessionsLab with Pearson EText -- Access Card -- for Pearson's Comprehensive Medi... by Beaman, Nina, Routh, Kristi... ISBN: 9780133981612 List Price: $104.00
Medical Nutrition Therapy: A Case Study Approach by Nelms, Marcia, Long, Sara, ... ISBN: 9780495554769 List Price: $86.95
Medical Microbiology: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 7e by Patrick R. Murray PhD, Ken ... ISBN: 9780323086929 List Price: $91.95
Essentials of Medical Terminology by Juanita J. Davies ISBN: 9781401890193 List Price: $130.95
Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography, 7e by Mary Alice Statkiewicz Sher... ISBN: 9780323172202 List Price: $76.95
Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies by Lindh, Wilburta Q., Pooler,... ISBN: 9781435419148 List Price: $104.95
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins' Comprehensive Medical Assisting by Durham, Laura Southard, Kro... ISBN: 9780781770040 List Price: $93.95
2014 Intravenous Medications: A Handbook for Nurses and Health Professionals, 30e by Betty L. Gahart RN, Adrienn... ISBN: 9780323084789 List Price: $54.95
Medical Nutrition Therapy: A Case Study Approach by Marcia Nelms, Sara Long Roth ISBN: 9781133593157 List Price: $132.95
Professionalism in Medical Assisting by Kristiana D. Routh ISBN: 9780132545464 List Price: $58.80
Study Guide for Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing by Linton, Adrianne Dill, Maeb... ISBN: 9781437722147 List Price: $26.95
Pathological Potential of Neuroglia : Possible New Targets for Medical Intervention by Parpura, Vladimir, Verkhrat... ISBN: 9781493909735 List Price: $239.00
Practical Guide to the Care of the Medical Patient: Expert Consult: Online and Print, 8e by Fred F. Ferri MD FACP ISBN: 9780323071581 List Price: $57.95
Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology by Barrett, Kim E., Brooks, He... ISBN: 9780071605670 List Price: $64.95
Study Guide for Understanding Pharmacology: Essentials for Medication Safety, 1e by M. Linda Workman PhD RN F... ISBN: 9781416029953 List Price: $33.95
Study Guide to Accompany Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing by Smeltzer, Suzanne C. ISBN: 9780781785945 List Price: $30.95
Pearson's Comprehensive Medical Assisting Plus MyHealthProfessionsLab with Pearson etext--Ac... by Nina M. Beaman MS RNC CMA... ISBN: 9780134163826 List Price: $168.20
Medical Transcription: Techniques, Technologies, and Editing Skills by Alice G. Ettinger, Blanche ... ISBN: 9780763831097 List Price: $108.75
Medical Office Practice by Atkinson, Phillip S., Timme... ISBN: 9781435481435 List Price: $221.95
Kinn's the Medical Assistant : An Applied Learning Approach by Young, Alexandra Patricia, ... ISBN: 9781416054399 List Price: $99.95
Medical Transcription Fundamentals & Practice by Pitman, Sally Crenshaw, Dir... ISBN: 9780131881433 List Price: $113.40
Administrative Procedures for Medical Assisting by Kathryn Booth, Leesa Whicke... ISBN: 9780077656072
Winningham & Preusser's Critical Thinking Cases in Nursing: Medical-Surgical, Pediatric, Mat... by Barbara A. Preusser PhD FNPc ISBN: 9780323053594 List Price: $46.95
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing by Williams, Linda S., Hopper,... ISBN: 9780803614918 List Price: $73.95
Medical Assisting Made Incredibly Easy Administrative Competencies by Kale-Smith, Geri ISBN: 9780781778107 List Price: $49.50
2015 Intravenous Medications: A Handbook for Nurses and Health Professionals, 31e by Betty L. Gahart RN, Adrienn... ISBN: 9780323084758 List Price: $54.95
Medical Office Management by Christine Malone ISBN: 9780135060674 List Price: $96.67
Medical Terminology Complete! by Bruce S. Wingerd ISBN: 9780135133958 List Price: $98.20
Medical-Surgical Nursing Vol. 2 : Critical Thinking in Client Care by LeMone, Priscilla, Burke, K... ISBN: 9780132541824 List Price: $94.20
Spanish for Medical Personnel: Basic Spanish Series (The Basic Spanish Series) by Jarvis, Ana, Lebredo, Raque... ISBN: 9780495902669 List Price: $82.95
Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing by Barbara K. Timby RN BC BS... ISBN: 9781451177329 List Price: $89.99
Sherris Medical Microbiology, Fifth Edition by Kenneth Ryan, C. George Ray... ISBN: 9780071604024 List Price: $104.00
Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Military Edition by National Association of Eme... ISBN: 9781284041750 List Price: $82.95
Student Workbook for use with Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Procedures with... by Kathryn Booth, Leesa Whicke... ISBN: 9780077525880 List Price: $66.35
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