Rent Education Textbooks

People who say "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach" obviously had some pretty awful teachers growing up. Today's teachers have to deal with a lot of distractions. They have to make up for lousy parenting without letting Mom and Dad know they're lousy. They have to deal with shrinking school budgets, a lack of respect, and interfering administrators. And after all that, they still have to teach. Why do teachers do it? Because they're awesome, that's why! Education textbooks can train tomorrow's teachers on the proven methods of education. When you rent education textbooks, you save money that can be put towards classroom supplies later. No text book can teach you how to be an awesome teacher, though. That has to come from within. When you rent textbooks, in education or any of the subjects you will be teaching as an educator, you save money by returning the books when your class is done. Textbook rental is an easy, affordable way to get the most for your collegiate dollar. Maybe you'll get the chance to pass that lesson on to your students someday.

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Results 1 - 50 of 19,752 Education Textbook Rentals
The Law of Higher Education, 5th Edition: Student Version by William A. Kaplin, Barbara ... ISBN: 9781118036624 List Price: $98.00
Student Engagement in Higher Education : Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches f... by Harper, Shaun, Quaye, Steph... ISBN: 9780415895101 List Price: $51.95
Global Competition in Higher Education by He ISBN: 9781119017493 List Price: $29.00
Five Dimensions of Quality : A Common Sense Guide to Accreditation and Accountability in Hig... by Suskie, Linda, Ikenberry, Stan ISBN: 9781118761571 List Price: $45.00
A Language as Social Semiotic-Based Approach to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (L... by Caroline Coffin, Jim Donohue ISBN: 9781118923825 List Price: $41.95
Using Evidence of Student Learning to Improve Higher Education by Kuh, George D., Ikenberry, ... ISBN: 9781118903391 List Price: $40.00
Public Policy and Higher Education: Strategies for Framing a Research Agenda : ASHE Higher E... by Hillman, Nicholas W., Tandb... ISBN: 9781119067818 List Price: $29.00
Black Male Collegians: Increasing Access, Retention, and Persistence in Higher Education: AS... by Robert T. Palmer, J. Luke W... ISBN: 9781118941652 List Price: $29.00
ASHE Reader Series: Economics and Finance of Higher Education by John Weidman, John Yeager, ... ISBN: 9781269912945 List Price: $101.33
A History of American Higher Education by Thelin, John R. ISBN: 9781421402673 List Price: $25.00
Law of Higher Education by Kaplin, William A., Lee, Ba... ISBN: 9780787970956 List Price: $95.00
Inside the College Gates: How Class and Culture Matter in Higher Education by Jenny M. Stuber ISBN: 9780739148990 List Price: $32.99
Shakespeare, Einstein, and the Bottom Line The Marketing of Higher Education by Kirp, David L., Berman, Eli... ISBN: 9780674011465 List Price: $45.00
Higher Education in American Society by Altbach, Philip G., Berdahl... ISBN: 9780879759056 List Price: $32.98
Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education by Association for the Study o... ISBN: 9780536679475 List Price: $84.20
Budgets and Financial Management in Higher Education by Barr, Margaret J., McClella... ISBN: 9780470616208 List Price: $40.00
Shakespeare, Einstein, and the Bottom Line The Marketing of Higher Education by Kirp, David L., Berman, Eli... ISBN: 9780674016347 List Price: $23.00
The Innovative University: Changing the DNA of Higher Education from the Inside Out by Clayton M. Christensen, Hen... ISBN: 9781118063484 List Price: $32.95
Quiet Crisis How Higher Education Is Failing America by Smith, Peter ISBN: 9781882982707 List Price: $40.00
Academic Armageddon : An Irish Requiem for Higher Education by Gallagher, Mary ISBN: 9781908308054
Peers in the Classroom Case Studies in Adult Higher Education by Logan, Regina Lopata, Fromb... ISBN: 9781581070132 List Price: $18.95
American Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Social, Political, and Economic Chall... by Altbach, Philip G., Gumport... ISBN: 9780801899065 List Price: $29.95
Organization and Governance in Higher Education (ASHE Reader) by Brown II, M. Christopher, L... ISBN: 9780558849528 List Price: $104.00
Introduction to American Higher Education by Unknown ISBN: 9780415803267 List Price: $67.95
History of U. S. Higher Education : Methods for Understanding the Past by Gasman, Marybeth ISBN: 9780415873659 List Price: $47.95
Thought Patterns for a Successful Career : PX2 Higher Education by The Pacific Institute, Tice... ISBN: 9781930622173 List Price: $95.00
Student Engagement in Higher Education: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches fo... by Harper, Shaun R., Quaye, St... ISBN: 9780415988513 List Price: $46.95
From Entitlement to Engagement : Affirming Millennial Students� Egos in the Higher Education... by Knowlton, Dave S., Hagopian... ISBN: 9781118770108 List Price: $29.00
Organizational Theory in Higher Education (Core Concepts in Higher Education) by Manning, Kathleen Manning ISBN: 9780415874670 List Price: $49.95
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