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Bemocked of Destiny : The actual struggles and experiences of a Canadian Pioneer by McCharles, Aeneas ISBN: 9781177876063 List Price: $26.75
George Birkbeck, the Pioneer of Popular Education : A memoir and a Review by Godard, John George ISBN: 9781177885287 List Price: $27.75
Historic Indiana; Being Chapters in the Story of the Hoosier State from the Romantic Period ... by Levering, Julia 1851- ISBN: 9781177886925 List Price: $47.75
Biographical Sketches of Eminent Itinerant Ministers Distinguished, for the Most Part, As Pi... by Summers, Thomas O. 1812-1882 ISBN: 9781177901840 List Price: $34.75
Autobiography of Rev James B Finley, or, Pioneer Life in the West by Finley, James B. 1781-1856,... ISBN: 9781177897372 List Price: $37.75
Autobiography of Rev James B Finley; or, Pioneer Life in the West; by Finley, James B. 1781-1856,... ISBN: 9781177897341 List Price: $37.75
Historic Indiana; Being Chapters in the Story of the Hoosier State from the Romantic Period ... by Levering, Julia Henderson ISBN: 9781177923057 List Price: $48.75
Cathlamet on the Columbi : Recollections of the Indian people and short stories of early pio... by Strong, Thomas Nelson ISBN: 9781177929790 List Price: $23.75
Cummer Memoranda; a Record of the Progenitors and Descendants of Jacob Cummer, a Canadian Pi... by Cummer, Wellington Wilson, ... ISBN: 9781177934206 List Price: $30.75
Forty Years of Pioneer Life : Memoir of John Mason Peck D. D. by Peck, John Mason, Babcock, ... ISBN: 9781177942508 List Price: $32.75
History of Andrew Jackson, Pioneer, Patriot, Soldier, Politician, President by Buell, Augustus C., Jackson... ISBN: 9781177946193 List Price: $36.75
History of San Bernardino Valley from the Padres to the Pioneers, 1810-1851 by Caballeria Y Collell, Juan ISBN: 9781177946681 List Price: $20.75
Story of the First Pioneer Infantry, U S by Davis, Chester W., Foreman,... ISBN: 9781177979610 List Price: $21.75
Pioneering the West, 1846 To 1878 : Major Howard Egan's Diary by Egan, Howard, Egan, Howard ... ISBN: 9781178010640 List Price: $29.75
New Zealand Wars, a History of the Maori Campaigns and the Pioneering Period by Cowan, James ISBN: 9781178019148 List Price: $38.75
Pioneers of Polk County, Iowa, and Reminiscences of Early Days by Andrews, Lorenzo F. ISBN: 9781178043099 List Price: $44.75
On the Threshold of Central Afric : A record of twenty years' pioneering among the Barotsi o... by Coillard, Francois, Mackint... ISBN: 9781178049435 List Price: $54.75
History of Andrew Jackson, Pioneer, Patriot, Soldier, Politician, President by Buell, Augustus C., Jackson... ISBN: 9781178049930 List Price: $36.75
Pilots of the Republic; the Romance of the Pioneer Promoter in the Middle West by Hulbert, Archer Butler ISBN: 9781178046458 List Price: $34.75
Pioneers : A tale of the western Wilderness by Ballantyne, R m. 1825-1894 ISBN: 9781178065497 List Price: $22.75
Quaker Pioneers in Russi by Benson, Jane ISBN: 9781178062168 List Price: $20.75
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