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Famous Scouts, Including Trappers, Pioneers, and Soldiers of the Frontier; Their Hazardous a... by Johnston, Charles Haven Ladd ISBN: 9781177401180 List Price: $34.75
Pioneer Women of the West by Ellet, E. f. 1818-1877 ISBN: 9781177409315 List Price: $35.75
Pioneers, Preachers and People of the Mississippi Valley by Milburn, William Henry ISBN: 9781177436168 List Price: $37.75
History of the Early Settlement of the Juniata Valley : Embracing an account of the early pi... by Jones, U. J. 1818-1864 ISBN: 9781177451550 List Price: $34.75
History of the Rochdale Pioneers, 1844-1892 by Holyoake, George Jacob ISBN: 9781177451772 List Price: $24.75
Pioneer Days in London : Some account of men and things in London before it became a City by Campbell, Cl. T. ISBN: 9781177460385 List Price: $20.75
Pioneer Life among the Loyalists in Upper Canad by Herrington, Walter S. 1860-... ISBN: 9781177460651 List Price: $20.75
James Woodhouse, a Pioneer in Chemistry, 1770-1809 by Smith, Edgar Fahs ISBN: 9781177473767 List Price: $30.75
Leaves from an Argonaut's Note Book : A collection of holiday and other stories illustrative... by Jones, T. E. 1830-1907, Arm... ISBN: 9781177478595 List Price: $30.75
Pioneers of Modern Education 1600-1700 by Adamson, John William ISBN: 9781177498883 List Price: $30.75
Froebel As a Pioneer in Modern Psychology by Murray, E. R. B. 1861 ISBN: 9781177516075 List Price: $26.75
John Sanderson The : Or, A pioneer preacher at Home by Sanderson, Camilla ISBN: 9781177532204 List Price: $26.75
Reminiscences of Pioneer Life by Latta, Robert Ray ISBN: 9781177545761 List Price: $23.75
Sketches of Western Methodism : Biographical, historical, and miscellaneous. Illustrative of... by Finley, James B. 1781-1856,... ISBN: 9781177552028 List Price: $42.75
Overland to Cariboo, an Eventful Journey of Canadian Pioneers to the Goldfields of British C... by McNaughton, Margaret ISBN: 9781177564557 List Price: $22.75
Pioneer Mothers of the West; or, Daring and Heroic Deeds of American Women by Frost, John ISBN: 9781177565523 List Price: $32.75
Pioneers of France in the New World : France and England in North America, Pt. 1 by Parkman, Francis ISBN: 9781177565943 List Price: $41.75
Autobiography of Rev James B Finley; or, Pioneer Life in the West by Finley, James B. 1781-1856,... ISBN: 9781177829311 List Price: $37.75
George Brown, D D Pioneer-Missionary and Explorer, an Autobiography; by Brown, George ISBN: 9781177836456 List Price: $52.75
Edward Edwards, the Chief Pioneer of Municipal Public Libraries by Greenwood, Thomas ISBN: 9781177833554 List Price: $27.75
History of Ramsey County and the City of St Paul, Including the Explorers and Pioneers of Mi... by Warner, George E., Foote, C... ISBN: 9781177840897 List Price: $47.75
Gibbens-Butcher Genealogy Embracing Also Other Pioneer Families of Virginia Who Migrated Wes... by Gibbens, Alvaro F. 1837 ISBN: 9781177839143 List Price: $32.75
Pioneer Days of Oregon History by Clarke, S. A. ISBN: 9781177857918 List Price: $33.75
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