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Nature Explique'e : Par le Raisonnement et Par L'Experience (1719) by Denyse, Jean ISBN: 9781166266080 List Price: $47.96
Phases of Royal Government in New York 1691-1719 by Spencer, Charles Worthen ISBN: 9781166293529 List Price: $17.56
Phases of Royal Government in New York 1691-1719 by Spencer, Charles Worthen ISBN: 9781166348946 List Price: $29.56
Church Authority Vindicated in a Sermon Preached at Putney, May 15 1719 by Hare, Francis ISBN: 9781166414931 List Price: $12.76
Dissertation Physique : Concernant la Cause de la Variation du Barometre (1719) by Roubaix, Jacques De, Champd... ISBN: 9781166441005 List Price: $16.76
Dissertation Physique : Concernant la Cause de la Variation du Barometre (1719) by Roubaix, Jacques De, Champd... ISBN: 9781166500405 List Price: $28.76
Morning Interview : An Heroi-Comical Poem (1719) by Ramsay, Allan ISBN: 9781167155017 List Price: $12.76
William Law's Defense of Church Principles : Three Letters to the Bishop of Bangor, 1717-171... by Law, William, Nash, James O... ISBN: 9781164362449 List Price: $37.56
Cases Argued and Adjudged in the High Court of Chancery [1680-1719] by Great Britain. Court Of Cha... ISBN: 9781173578725 List Price: $53.75
Abraham Gotthelf Kästner, Aufklärer (1719-1800) by Baasner, Rainer ISBN: 9783484365056
Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1719-1728 : American Antiquarian Society, V71, No. 1 by Walett, Francis G. ISBN: 9781258069773 List Price: $40.95
Diary of the Alarcon Expedition into Texas, 1718-1719 : Quivira Society Publications, V5 by Celiz, Francisco, Hoffman, ... ISBN: 9781258080556 List Price: $41.95
South Carolina As a Royal Province, 1719-1776 by Smith, W. Roy ISBN: 9781275597907 List Price: $36.75
Histoire du Syst�me des Finances Sous la Minorit� de Louis Xv Pendant les Ann�es 1719 et 172... by Barth�l�my Marmont Du Hautc... ISBN: 9781277164343 List Price: $27.75
Histoire du Syst�me des Finances Sous la Minorit� de Louis Xv Pendant les Ann�es 1719 et 172... by Barth�l�my Marmont Du Hautc... ISBN: 9781277479195 List Price: $24.75
Histoire du Syst�me des Finances Sous la Minorit� de Louis Xv Pendant les Ann�es 1719 et 172... by Barth�l�my Marmont Du Hautc... ISBN: 9781277643282 List Price: $24.75
Sveriges Ridderskaps Och Adels Riksdags-Protokoll Fr�n Och Med �r 1719 by Sweden. Riksdagen. Riddersk... ISBN: 9781277706819 List Price: $42.75
Come Recently from Guinea : Control and Power in the African-Descended Illinois Country, 171... by Weight, Donovan Stoddard ISBN: 9781248949108 List Price: $69.00
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