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Sketch of the History of South Carolin : To the Close of the Proprietary Government by the R... by Rivers, William James ISBN: 9781166003678 List Price: $47.16
Etat Present de L'Espagne V2 : Ou L'on Voit une Geographie Historique du Pays (1719) by Vayrac, Jean de ISBN: 9781165991808 List Price: $39.96
Religious Philosopher V2 : Or the Right Use of Contemplating the Works of the Creator (1719) by Nieuwentijdt, Bernard, Cham... ISBN: 9781165989584 List Price: $39.16
History of the Reformed Church, at Readington, New Jersey, 1719-1881 by Thompson, Henry Post ISBN: 9781166024949 List Price: $16.76
History of the Reformed Church, at Readington, New Jersey, 1719-1881 by Thompson, Henry Post ISBN: 9781166076634 List Price: $28.76
Bihang till Riksdagen I Stockholm Ar 1719 by Gortz, Georg Heinrich Von ISBN: 9781168468147 List Price: $29.56
Fonte Pubblico Di Faenz : E la Descrizione D'Ogni Sua Parte (1719) by Scaletta, Carlo Cesare ISBN: 9781168542090 List Price: $30.36
Bihang till Riksdagen I Stockholm Ar 1719 by Gortz, Georg Heinrich Von ISBN: 9781168606525 List Price: $41.56
History of South Carolina under the Proprietary Government 1670-1719 by McCrady, Edward ISBN: 9781169825819 List Price: $54.36
De la gaiet? Volume 00 by Caraccioli, Louis-Antoine M... ISBN: 9781173119744 List Price: $26.75
Imirce; Ou, la Fille de la Nature. Ouvrage Illustr? de 7 Dessins de E. -P. Milio by [Dulaurens, Henri Joseph] 1... ISBN: 9781173149987 List Price: $24.75
Grandeur D'?me by Caraccioli, Louis-Antoine M... ISBN: 9781173159207 List Price: $35.75
History of South Carolina under the Proprietary Government, 1670-1719 by McCrady, Edward ISBN: 9781178062212 List Price: $53.75
Phases of Royal Government in New York 1691-1719 by Spencer, Charles Worthen ISBN: 9781178097238 List Price: $21.75
De Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis Liber 1 (1719) (Latin Edition) by Bellarmino, Roberto Frances... ISBN: 9781166063795 List Price: $32.76
The reverie, or A flight to the paradise of fools Volume 1 by Johnstone Charles 1719?-1800? ISBN: 9781172477159 List Price: $28.75
The Diary Of Ebenezer Parkman, 1719-1728: American Antiquarian Society, V71, No. 1 by Francis G. Walett ISBN: 9781258175559 List Price: $25.95
Papist Peers and Politics : The English Roman Catholic Nobility, 1688--1719 by Mcabee, Donald Lee ISBN: 9781243742025 List Price: $69.00
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