Social Science Textbooks

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The history of planet earth is a complex mix of devastating, amazing and everything in between. It's not a secret that society and history is constantly molded and shaped by the many characters that make up the fabric of daily life. How amazing is it that you could be sitting at a ballgame in the summer sun and be surrounded all at once by a mix of heroes, scoundrels, innovators, entertainers, politicians, educators, entrepreneurs and doctors? They all contribute to society's fabric in one way or another, affecting the way laws are developed, social norms are established, hopes formed and peace established. Social Studies textbooks will provide you all sorts of information on Social Studies, and just may reveal that a happy society is one in which people can save money! To keep the peace, we offer cheap college textbooks for those who could use a couple extra bucks in their pockets. Used textbooks are a great alternative to expensive new books found in campus bookstores. Plus, it is much more convenient to have your Social Studies textbooks delivered to your dorm room, apartment or home. Never in the history of the earth has it been exciting to stand in line for hours, waiting to purchase overpriced college textbooks. To find the book you are searching for, browse our extensive collection of Social Studies textbooks. Make sure the ISBN number for your assigned book, matches up with the book you have found in our catalog.

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Results 83651 - 83668 of 83,668 for Social Science Textbooks
Comisario Belga en la Pampa Gringa : Augusto Fary (1860-1880) by Landaburu, Roberto E. ISBN: 9789874813336
Migraciones y Museos : Una Aproximaci�n Global by Gonz�lez-Bernaldo, Pilar, A... ISBN: 9789874963444
Polic�a de la Provincia de San Juan en el Per�odo 1880-1890 by Zalazar, Jos� Manuel ISBN: 9789874034588
Al-Ightirab Al-Ijtimai : Ruyah Tarbawiyah Islamiyah by Makhatirah, Jayana Muhammad... ISBN: 9789923143797
Jaraim Wa-Hikayat Min Al-Ahd Al-Malaki Fi Al-Iraq by Abd Allah, Sabri, Hamid, Ahmad ISBN: 9789922912844
Confessions of Nairobi Women by Thatiah, Joan ISBN: 9789914743289
Econom�a para Mat�as by Haedo, Javier de ISBN: 9789915667539
Rough Silk : The Incredible Story of a Dad and Daughter by Tendo, Deborah Auko ISBN: 9789914493337
Tun Fatimah, Serikandi Melayu by Mohd Jamil bin Mukmin ISBN: 9789832600398
Vivir en Libertad! : Historia Documentada Del Pueblo Guna, 1501-1728 by Arenas, Luis ISBN: 9798218443283 List Price: $35.00
Criminal by Arden, Robert ISBN: 9798218434984 List Price: $39.99
Family Forever by Thornton, John ISBN: 9798218969745 List Price: $13.99
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