Ethnic Studies Textbooks

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Results 1 - 50 of 3,341 for Ethnic Studies Textbooks
The Struggle for Freedom: A History of African Americans, Concise Edition, Combined Volume (... by Carson, Clayborne, Lapsansk... ISBN: 9780205832408 List Price: $53.33
African Americans: Combined Volume: A Concise History by Hine, Darlene Clark, Hine, ... ISBN: 9780205806270 List Price: $92.20
Souls of Black Folk by Du Bois, W. E. B., Blight, ... ISBN: 9780312091149 List Price: $17.05
Indigenous Movements and Their Critics Pan-Maya Activism in Guatemala by Warren, Kay B. ISBN: 9780691058825 List Price: $29.95
Dine A History of the Navajos by Iverson, Peter, Roessel, Monty ISBN: 9780826327154 List Price: $24.95
Family Ethnicity Strength in Diversity by McAdoo, Harriette Pipes ISBN: 9780761918578 List Price: $69.95
Struggle For Freedom A History of African Americans by Carson, Clayborne, Lapsansk... ISBN: 9780321355768 List Price: $66.00
Latino Politics in America by Garcia, F. Chris, Sanchez, ... ISBN: 9780130615008 List Price: $75.60
African American English A Linguistic Introduction by Green, Lisa J. ISBN: 9780521891387 List Price: $45.00
Learning to Survive Black Youth Look for Education and Hope by Gentry, Atron A., Peele, Ca... ISBN: 9780865692619 List Price: $29.95
Race and Ethnic Relations: American and Global Perspectives by Marger, Martin N. ISBN: 9781111186388 List Price: $161.95
American Politics and the African American Quest for Universal Freedom by Walton, Hanes, Smith, Rober... ISBN: 9780205079919 List Price: $88.60
African-American Odyssey, the, Volume 1, Books a la Carte Plus NEW MyHistoryLab by Hine, Darlene Clark, Hine, ... ISBN: 9780205203871
Psychology of Blacks by White, Joseph L., Ajamu, Ad... ISBN: 9780131827738 List Price: $36.00
Indians of the Great Plains by Gelo, Daniel ISBN: 9780131773899
African Americans Vol. 2 : A Concise History by Hine, Darlene Clark, Hine, ... ISBN: 9780205806263 List Price: $67.20
Social Construction of Race and Ethnicity in the United States by Ferrante, Joan, Brown, Prince ISBN: 9780130283238 List Price: $87.20
Up from Slavery by Brundage, W. Fitzhugh, Wash... ISBN: 9780312394486 List Price: $17.05
American Ethnicity: The Dynamics and Consequences of Discrimination by Turner, Jonathan H., Aguirr... ISBN: 9780073404219 List Price: $92.81
African-American Odyssey Combined Volume by Hine, Darlene Clark, Hine, ... ISBN: 9780131922174 List Price: $86.67
Watching Lacandon Maya Lives by McGee, R. Jon ISBN: 9780205332182 List Price: $58.40
They Say by Davidson, James West ISBN: 9780195160215 List Price: $17.95
Chief Red Fox Is Dead A History of Native Americans Since 1945 by Rawls, James J. ISBN: 9780155017962 List Price: $63.95
DEBATING SEX AND GENDER (Fundamentals of Philosophy) by Warnke, Georgia ISBN: 9780195308853 List Price: $19.95
Race and Ethnic Relations by Marger, Martin N. ISBN: 9780495504368 List Price: $161.95
African Americans: A Concise History, Special Edition (3rd Edition) by Hine, Darlene Clark, Hine, ... ISBN: 9780205728800 List Price: $75.60
Cultural Awareness in the Human Services A Multi-Ethnic Approach by Green, James W. ISBN: 9780205286324 List Price: $99.60
Women and Power in Native North America by Klein, Laura F. ISBN: 9780806132419 List Price: $19.95
Get It Together Readings About African American Life by Anokye, Akua Duku, Brice-Fi... ISBN: 9780321092687 List Price: $70.40
Black Protest and the Great Migration A Brief History With Documents by Arnesen, Peter J., Arnesen,... ISBN: 9780312391294 List Price: $15.95
Farther to Go by Gilliam, Franklin D., Gilli... ISBN: 9780155072329 List Price: $77.95
Long Memory The Black Experience in America by Berry, Mary Frances, Blassi... ISBN: 9780195029109 List Price: $45.95
African Americans Vol. 1 : A Concise History by Hine, Darlene Clark, Hine, ... ISBN: 9780205809363 List Price: $67.20
Native Nations Cultures and Histories of Native North America by Bonvillain, Nancy ISBN: 9780138632427 List Price: $92.20
Malintzin's Choices An Indian Woman in the Conquest of Mexico by Townsend, Camilla, Johnson,... ISBN: 9780826334053 List Price: $27.95
The African-American Odyssey: Special Edition, Combined Volume by Hine, Darlene Clark, Hine, ... ISBN: 9780205728787 List Price: $108.80
The Struggle for Freedom: A History of African Americans, Concise Edition, Volume 1 (Penguin... by Carson, Clayborne, Lapsansk... ISBN: 9780205832422 List Price: $37.33
Behind the Mule Race and Class in African-American Politics by Dawson, Michael C. ISBN: 9780691025438 List Price: $29.95
Foreigners in Their Native Land Historical Roots of the Mexican Americans by Weber, David J., Weber, Dav... ISBN: 9780826335104 List Price: $27.95
Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Introductory Psychology With Infotrac by Price, William F., Crapo, R... ISBN: 9780534546533 List Price: $38.95
Education and the American Indian The Road to Self-Determination Since 1928 by Szasz, Margaret Connell ISBN: 9780826320483 List Price: $27.95
First New Chronicle and Good Government by Guaman Poma de Ayala, Felip... ISBN: 9780872208414 List Price: $14.95
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