Social Science Textbooks

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The history of planet earth is a complex mix of devastating, amazing and everything in between. It's not a secret that society and history is constantly molded and shaped by the many characters that make up the fabric of daily life. How amazing is it that you could be sitting at a ballgame in the summer sun and be surrounded all at once by a mix of heroes, scoundrels, innovators, entertainers, politicians, educators, entrepreneurs and doctors? They all contribute to society's fabric in one way or another, affecting the way laws are developed, social norms are established, hopes formed and peace established. Social Studies textbooks will provide you all sorts of information on Social Studies, and just may reveal that a happy society is one in which people can save money! To keep the peace, we offer cheap college textbooks for those who could use a couple extra bucks in their pockets. Used textbooks are a great alternative to expensive new books found in campus bookstores. Plus, it is much more convenient to have your Social Studies textbooks delivered to your dorm room, apartment or home. Never in the history of the earth has it been exciting to stand in line for hours, waiting to purchase overpriced college textbooks. To find the book you are searching for, browse our extensive collection of Social Studies textbooks. Make sure the ISBN number for your assigned book, matches up with the book you have found in our catalog.

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Results 451 - 500 of 85,668 for Social Science Textbooks
Sociology Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life Readings by Newman, David M., O'Brien, ... ISBN: 9781412928137 List Price: $45.95
African-American Odyssey, the, Volume 1, Books a la Carte Plus NEW MyHistoryLab by Hine, Darlene Clark, Hine, ... ISBN: 9780205203871
Finite Mathematics by Sullivan, Michael ISBN: 9780470287545 List Price: $201.95
Introducing Anthropology An Integrated Approach by Park, Michael Alan ISBN: 9780073210421
Media Of Mass Communication 2006 by Vivian, John ISBN: 9780205467013 List Price: $97.20
Student Atlas of Anthropology by Allen, John L., Shalinsky, ... ISBN: 9780072889857
Drugs, Society, and Behavior 03/04 by Wilson, Hugh T. ISBN: 9780072838299 List Price: $23.80
Annual Editions Juvenile Delinquency, 2000 by Struckhoff, David R. ISBN: 9780072333718 List Price: $23.80
Sociology of News by Schudson, Michael ISBN: 9780393975130 List Price: $17.50
Introduction to Sociology With Infotrac Media Edition by Tischler, Henry L. ISBN: 9780534619923 List Price: $38.95
Understanding Social Problems by Mooney, Knox, Elizabeth ISBN: 9780534565121 List Price: $23.95
Women in Politics: Outsiders or Insiders? by Duke, Lois L. ISBN: 9780139692215 List Price: $30.00
Gender Inequality Feminist Theories and Politics by Lorber, Judith ISBN: 9780195330519 List Price: $47.95
Human Trafficking and Human Rights by Burrough, Kay ISBN: 9781465241122 List Price: $75.00
Client-Centered Evaluation: New Models for Helping Professionals by Bloom, Martin, Britner, Pre... ISBN: 9780205832583 List Price: $49.00
Psychology of Blacks by White, Joseph L., Ajamu, Ad... ISBN: 9780131827738 List Price: $36.00
Craft of Inquiry Theories, Methods, Evidence by Alford, Robert R. ISBN: 9780195119039 List Price: $34.95
Voices of a Nation: A History of Mass Media in the United States by Folkerts, Jean, Teeter, Dwi... ISBN: 9780205486977 List Price: $131.40
Wadsworth Classic Readings in Sociology by Wadsworth ISBN: 9780495602767 List Price: $46.95
Economics of Women, Men, and Work, The (6th Edition) by Blau, Francine D., Ferber, ... ISBN: 9780136084259 List Price: $130.60
Dimensions of Multicultural Counseling by Thomas, Anita Jones, Schwar... ISBN: 9781412951364 List Price: $101.00
States and Power in Africa Comparative Lessons in Authority and Control by Herbst, Jeffrey Ira ISBN: 9780691010281 List Price: $30.95
Prejudice and Racism by Jones, James M. ISBN: 9780070331174 List Price: $73.12
Corrections in America by Allen, Harry E., Latessa, E... ISBN: 9780135034392 List Price: $148.00
Indians of the Great Plains by Gelo, Daniel ISBN: 9780131773899
Lab Manual and Workbook for Physical Anthropology by France, Diane L. ISBN: 9780495810858 List Price: $92.95
Only Connect: A Cultural History of Broadcasting in the United States by Hilmes, Michele ISBN: 9780495570516 List Price: $130.95
Introduction to African American Studies by Stewart, James, Anderson, T... ISBN: 9781580730396 List Price: $34.95
The Gendered Society by Kimmel, Michael S. ISBN: 9780195399028 List Price: $69.95
Statistics and Data Analysis for Social Science by Krieg, Eric J. ISBN: 9780205728275 List Price: $153.80
Bone Voyage A Journey in Forensic Anthropology by Rhine, Stanley ISBN: 9780826319685 List Price: $26.95
Morality and Moral Controversies: Readings in Moral, Social and Political Philosophy by Arthur, John, Scalet, Steve... ISBN: 9780136031376 List Price: $98.20
U.s. Women's History by Buhle, Mari Jo, Murphy, Ter... ISBN: 9780131839168 List Price: $99.00
African Americans Vol. 2 : A Concise History by Hine, Darlene Clark, Hine, ... ISBN: 9780205806263 List Price: $67.20
Democracy in America: Abridged with an Introduction by Michael Kammen by de Tocqueville, Alexis, Kam... ISBN: 9780312463304 List Price: $15.95
Statistics for Social Workers by Weinbach, Robert W., Grinne... ISBN: 9780205867035 List Price: $134.40
Heritage and Identity: Engagement and Demission in the Contemporary World by Peralta, Elsa, Anico, Marta... ISBN: 9780415453363
Exploring the Urban Community : A GIS Approach by Greene, Richard P., Pick, J... ISBN: 9780321751591 List Price: $178.60
Social Construction of Race and Ethnicity in the United States by Ferrante, Joan, Brown, Prince ISBN: 9780130283238 List Price: $87.20
Up from Slavery by Brundage, W. Fitzhugh, Wash... ISBN: 9780312394486 List Price: $17.05
Aging, the Individual, And Society by Hillier, Susan M., Barrow, ... ISBN: 9780534598143 List Price: $151.95
The Cultural Context of Aging: Worldwide Perspectives by Sokolovsky, Jay, Sokolovsky... ISBN: 9780275993023 List Price: $44.95
Physical Anthropology And Archaeology by Ember, Carol R., Ember, Mel... ISBN: 9780132276986 List Price: $126.60
Humankind : An Introductory Reader for Cultural Anthropology by Cormier, Loretta A., Cormie... ISBN: 9781609276324 List Price: $69.95
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