Religion, Politics & State Textbooks

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Results 551 - 600 of 617 for Religion, Politics & State Textbooks
Islam and Violent Separatism by Swain ISBN: 9781138992672
American Exceptionalism and Civil Religion : Reassessing the History of an Idea by Wilsey, John D. ISBN: 9781459699953 List Price: $29.99
Modernity, Religion, and the War on Terror by Winfield, Richard Dien ISBN: 9781472484130 List Price: $54.95
Lenten Letter to Pimen, Patriarch of All Russia by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, Ar... ISBN: 9780598251671 List Price: $30.00
Conflict Between the Civil Power and the Clergy : Historical and Legal Essay by Portes Gil, Emilio ISBN: 9780598523174 List Price: $45.30
Saudi Arabia and the Illusion of Security by Peterson, J. E. ISBN: 9781138466685
Answering the Call : Popular Islamic Activism in Sadat's Egypt by Al-Arian, Abdullah ISBN: 9780199373789 List Price: $69.00
Foreign Policy of Islamist Political Parties : Ideology in Practice by Roy, Olivier, Adraoui, Moha... ISBN: 9781474426657
Paul and Empire Criticism : Why and How? by Haddad, Najeeb T. ISBN: 9781725271869 List Price: $18.00
Faith-Based Influences on Legislative Decision Making: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Drenner, Karla L. ISBN: 9781668435212 List Price: $235.00
Faith-Based Influences on Legislative Decision Making : Emerging Research and Opportunities by Drenner, Karla L. ISBN: 9781799868071 List Price: $195.00
Hope in a Secular Age : Deconstruction, Negative Theology and the Future of Faith by Newheiser, David ISBN: 9781108724395 List Price: $26.99
Geopolitics of Religious Soft Power : How States Use Religion in Foreign Policy by Mandaville, Peter ISBN: 9780197605806 List Price: $110.00
Religious Voting in Western Democracies by Montero, Jos� Ram�n, Segatt... ISBN: 9780198807858 List Price: $155.00
Do Not Leave Quietly : A Call for Everyday People to Rise up and Defeat Evil by Murillo, Mario, Wallnau, Lance ISBN: 9780768459227 List Price: $24.99
Ethics of Belonging : Education, Religion, and Politics in Manado, Indonesia by Larson, Erica M. ISBN: 9780824894436 List Price: $68.00
I Love Jesus, But... : Calling Out the Co-Opting of Christianity by Seitz, Rebeca ISBN: 9780827216822 List Price: $16.99
London Presbyterians and the British Revolutions, 1638-64 by Vernon, Elliot ISBN: 9781526174611
Faith in Unions : Racism and Religious Exclusion in the Faith Workers Branch of Unite the Un... by Isiorho, David, Al-Hussaini... ISBN: 9781532699177 List Price: $32.00
Lady Abbess : Benedicta Von Spiegelpolitische Ordensfrau in der Ns-Zeit by Westphalen, Gerlinde von ISBN: 9783402249147
Post-Secular City : The New Secularization Debate by Costa, Paolo ISBN: 9783506795267
Globale Christent�mer : Theologische und Religionswissenschaftliche Perspektiven by Gr�mme, Bernhard, Grumme, B... ISBN: 9783506708397
Religion, State, and Political Culture in Japan : Implications for the Post-Secular World by Sumimoto, Tokihisa ISBN: 9781786605948 List Price: $125.00
Reason for Being : A Meditation on Ecclesiastes by Ellul, Jacques ISBN: 9781725251892 List Price: $39.00
Paul and Empire Criticism : Why and How? by Haddad, Najeeb T. ISBN: 9781725271876 List Price: $35.00
Somalia Between Jihad and Restoration by Shay, Shaul ISBN: 9781138533295
True Believers : The Symbolic Code of the Global Jihad by Perlmutter, Dawn ISBN: 9781439899151
Church, Community and Power by Kearsley, Roy ISBN: 9781138376236
Revolutionary Iran by Kamali, Masoud ISBN: 9781138330900
State and Religion in the Arab World by Haseeb, Khair el-Din ISBN: 9781138383159
Religion and Law : An Introduction by Edge, Peter W. ISBN: 9781138380608
Last Judgment : Christian Ethics in a Legal Culture by Skotnicki, Andrew ISBN: 9781138110700
Law and Religion by Ahdar, Rex J. ISBN: 9781138741744
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