Religion, Politics & State Textbooks

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Results 1 - 50 of 617 for Religion, Politics & State Textbooks
21 Debated Issues in World Politics Issues in World Politics by Scott, Gregory M., Jones, R... ISBN: 9780130458292 List Price: $62.80
Toward a Civil Discourse Rhetoric And Fundamentalism by Crowley, Sharon ISBN: 9780822959236 List Price: $25.95
Democracy and Tradition by Stout, Jeffrey ISBN: 9780691123820 List Price: $27.95
Political Writings by Augustine, Saint, Kries, Do... ISBN: 9780872202108 List Price: $14.95
A Call for Character Education and Prayer in the Schools by Jeynes, William ISBN: 9780313351037 List Price: $54.95
RELIGION AND AMERICAN POLITICS by Black, Amy, Koopman, Dougla... ISBN: 9780136038146 List Price: $89.95
Religion in American Politics: A Short History by Lambert, Frank ISBN: 9780691146133 List Price: $18.95
Sacred and Secular Religion and Politics Worldwide by Norris, Pippa, Inglehart, R... ISBN: 9780521548724 List Price: $29.99
Atlas of World Religions - Prentice Hall Staff - Paperback by Prentice-Hall Staff, Pearso... ISBN: 9780131938854 List Price: $30.20
Islamist Mobilization in Turkey A Study in Vernacular Politics by White, Jenny B. ISBN: 9780295982915 List Price: $25.00
From the Terrorists' Point of View What They Experience And Why They Come to Destroy by Moghaddam, Fathali M. ISBN: 9780275988258 List Price: $39.95
Religious Convictions and Political Choice by Greenawalt, Kent ISBN: 9780195067798 List Price: $50.00
Founding Fathers and the Place of Religion in America by Lambert, Frank ISBN: 9780691126029 List Price: $26.95
Middle East and North Africa A Political Primer by Weatherby, Joseph ISBN: 9780321081063 List Price: $63.00
Political Writings by Augustine, Saint, Kries, Do... ISBN: 9780872202115 List Price: $39.95
Politics as Religion by Gentile, Emilio, Staunton, ... ISBN: 9780691113937 List Price: $46.00
Marsilius of Padua The Defender of the Peace by Brett, Annabel, Marsilius o... ISBN: 9780521789110 List Price: $36.99
Islam and the Challenge of Democracy A Boston Review Book by Abou El Fadl, Khaled, Cohen... ISBN: 9780691119380 List Price: $23.95
Religion and the Constitution: Volume 2: Establishment and Fairness by Greenawalt, Kent ISBN: 9780691141145 List Price: $27.95
Muslim Politics by Eickelman, Dale, Piscatori,... ISBN: 9780691120539 List Price: $28.95
My Life Is a Weapon A Modern History of Suicide Bombing by Reuter, Christoph, Ragg-Kir... ISBN: 9780691126159 List Price: $24.95
Modern Middle East by Gelvin, James L. ISBN: 9780195327595 List Price: $49.95
Religion and the Constitution: Volume I: Free Exercise and Fairness by Greenawalt, Kent ISBN: 9780691141138 List Price: $27.95
Nation and Religion Perspectives on Europe and Asia by Van der Veer, Peter, Lehman... ISBN: 9780691012322 List Price: $23.95
Religion in American Politics by Lambert, Frank ISBN: 9780691128337 List Price: $24.95
The Democratic Virtues of the Christian Right by Shields, Jon A. ISBN: 9780691137407 List Price: $30.95
Religion and Globalization by Beyer, Peter F. ISBN: 9780803989177 List Price: $58.95
Disenchantment of the World A Political History of Religion by Gauchet, Marcel, Burge, Osc... ISBN: 9780691029375 List Price: $27.95
Religion and Politics in the Middle East: Four Case Studies by Lee, Robert D. ISBN: 9780813344201 List Price: $35.00
My Life Is a Weapon A Modern History of Suicide Bombing by Reuter, Christoph, Ragg-Kir... ISBN: 9780691117591 List Price: $35.00
Secularism and Muslim Democracy in Turkey by Yavuz, M. Hakan ISBN: 9780521717328 List Price: $33.99
Modernization, Democracy, And Islam by Hunter, Shireen T., Malik, ... ISBN: 9780275985301 List Price: $31.95
Wheel of Law India's Secularism in Comparative Constitutional Context by Jacobsohn, Gary ISBN: 9780691122533 List Price: $31.95
Global Political Islam International Relations Of The Muslim World by Mandaville, Peter ISBN: 9780415326070 List Price: $45.95
Religion and Politics in Comparative Perspective The One, the Few, and the Many by Jelen, Ted G., Wilcox, Clyde ISBN: 9780521650311 List Price: $69.00
Under God? Religious Faith and Liberal Democracy by Perry, Michael J. ISBN: 9780521532174 List Price: $27.99
Reason, Freedom, and Democracy in Islam Essential Writings of Abdolkarim Soroush by Soroush, Abdolkarim, Sadi, ... ISBN: 9780195128123 List Price: $95.00
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought by Mirza, Mahan, Bowering, Ger... ISBN: 9780691134840 List Price: $99.50
French Wars of Religion, 1562-1629 by Holt, Mack P., Beik, Willia... ISBN: 9780521547505 List Price: $31.99
From Many, One Readings in American Political and Social Thought by Sinopoli, Richard C. ISBN: 9780878406265 List Price: $32.50
Popular Politics and the English Reformation by Shagan, Ethan H., Fletcher,... ISBN: 9780521525558 List Price: $41.00
Politics of Secularism in International Relations by Hurd, Elizabeth Shakman ISBN: 9780691134666 List Price: $25.95
Civil Islam Muslims and Democratization in Indonesia by Hefner, Robert W. ISBN: 9780691050478 List Price: $30.95
Christian Perspective on Political Thought by Mott, Stephen C. ISBN: 9780195081381 List Price: $60.00
Political Islam in Southeast Asia by Means, Gordon P. ISBN: 9781588266781 List Price: $32.00
Founding Fathers and the Place of Religion in America by Lambert, Frank ISBN: 9780691088297 List Price: $50.00
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