Philosophy Textbooks

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The word philosophy comes from the Greek word philosophia, which means "the love of wisdom." It all began when men, women and children sat under the stars – long before cars, computers, Disneyland and iPads – wondering how and why they had come into existence. The next step was a wise man uttering the words "I think therefore I am," and the world community was instantly inspired to dive in and understand the human psyche in relation to the cosmos. From Plato to Aristotle to Kant to Descartes, we've got Philosophy textbooks that will help you dive into their theories. You may love them so much that you'll want to become a philosopher yourself! Browse through our extensive catalog of used textbooks to find the title or author you are looking for. Once you've located your book(s), make sure that the ISBN matches up with the one on your course syllabus. This will assure you that you'll have the right edition shipped directly to your home or dorm room. The benefits of buying cheap textbooks online versus expensive textbooks at college bookstores are overwhelming. Why not save a few dollars so that you can head out on a camping trip, where you can spend a few moments under the stars pondering the meaning of life.

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Results 501 - 550 of 22,914 for Philosophy Textbooks
Neoplatonic Philosophy Introductory Readings by Dillon, John, Dillon, John,... ISBN: 9780872207073 List Price: $18.95
Lectures on Ethics by Kant, Immanuel, Heath, Pete... ISBN: 9780521788045 List Price: $53.00
Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals by Kant, Immanuel, Hill, Thoma... ISBN: 9780198751809 List Price: $29.95
Classical Ethics East and West Ethics from a Comparative Perspective by Zeuschner, Robert B. ISBN: 9780070728387 List Price: $69.69
Practical Logic An Antidote for Uncritical Thinking by Soccio, Douglas J. ISBN: 9780155030367 List Price: $145.95
Socratic Citizenship by Villa, Dana Richard ISBN: 9780691086934 List Price: $30.95
Dehumanization of Art by Ortega y Gasset, José ISBN: 9780691019611 List Price: $14.95
Correspondence 1622-1659 by Hobbes, Thomas, Malcolm, Noel ISBN: 9780198237471 List Price: $65.00
What Is a Law of Nature by Armstrong, D. M., Dancy, Jo... ISBN: 9780521314817 List Price: $46.00
Introduction to Philosophy Classical And Contemporary Readings by Fischer, John Martin, Perry... ISBN: 9780195169249 List Price: $77.95
Virtue Epistemology Essays on Epistemic Virtue and Responsibility by Fairweather, Abrol, Zagzebs... ISBN: 9780195140774 List Price: $95.00
Husserl, Intentionality and Cognitive Science by Dreyfus, Hubert L., Hall, H... ISBN: 9780262540414 List Price: $14.50
I Am Respectful by Schuette, Sarah L., Saunder... ISBN: 9780736814423 List Price: $15.93
Utilitarianism For and Against by Smart, J. J., Williams, Ber... ISBN: 9780521098229 List Price: $29.99
Questions That Matter An Invitation to Philosophy by Miller, Ed. L., Jensen, Jon ISBN: 9780072406344
Buddhism As Philosophy by Siderits, Mark ISBN: 9780872208735 List Price: $16.95
Philosphical Traditions A Text With Readings by Pojman, Louis P. ISBN: 9780534570422 List Price: $141.95
Come, Let Us Reason An Introduction to Logical Thinking by Geisler, Norman L., Brooks,... ISBN: 9780801038365 List Price: $20.00
Concise Introduction to Logic With Infotrac by Hurley, Patrick J. ISBN: 9780534584825 List Price: $99.95
A Practical Companion to Ethics by Weston, Anthony ISBN: 9780199730582 List Price: $19.95
Beauty Is Nowhere Ethical Issues in Art and Design by Roth, Richard, Roth, Richar... ISBN: 9789057013119 List Price: $37.95
Today's Moral Issues by Bonevac, Daniel A. ISBN: 9780073386690 List Price: $104.06
On the Dignity of Man On Being and the One Heptaplus by Della Mirandola, Pico, Mill... ISBN: 9780872203969 List Price: $10.95
Axel Honneth by Zurn ISBN: 9780745649047
A Concise Introduction to Logic (with iLrn Printed Access Card) by Hurley, Patrick J. ISBN: 9780495800187 List Price: $137.95
Moral Of The Story An Introduction To Ethics by Rosenstand, Nina ISBN: 9780072963359 List Price: $82.46
Critique of Pure Reason by Kant, Immanuel, Pluhar, Wer... ISBN: 9780872202573 List Price: $29.95
Twenty Questions An Introduction to Philosophy by Bowie, G. Lee, Michaels, Me... ISBN: 9780495007111 List Price: $114.95
Introduction to Africana Philosophy by Gordon, Lewis R. ISBN: 9780521675468 List Price: $33.99
Strategic Conflict by Canary, Daniel J. ISBN: 9780805850642 List Price: $29.95
Free Will and Determinism A Dialogue by Williams, Clifford ISBN: 9780915144778 List Price: $6.95
Representation and the Mind-Body Problem in Spinoza by Della Rocca, Michael ISBN: 9780195095623 List Price: $110.00
The Pragmatism Reader: From Peirce through the Present by Talisse, Robert, Aikin, Scott ISBN: 9780691137063 List Price: $35.00
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals by Gregor, Mary J., Gregor, Ma... ISBN: 9780521626958 List Price: $17.99
Learning to Philosophize A Primer by Kiernan-Lewis, Del ISBN: 9780534505899 List Price: $42.95
What is this thing called Knowledge? by Pritchard, Duncan ISBN: 9780415552981 List Price: $34.95
Moral Philosophy for Modern Life by Falikowski, Anthony ISBN: 9780135980460 List Price: $74.67
I Am Because We Are Readings in Black Philosophy by Hord, Frederick L., Lee, Jo... ISBN: 9780870239656 List Price: $21.95
World Philosophy An East-West Comparative Introduction to Philosophy by Blocker, H. Gene ISBN: 9780138620127 List Price: $72.60
Reason and Responsibility Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy With Infotrac by Feinberg, Joel, Shafer-Land... ISBN: 9780534625542 List Price: $80.95
Philosophy The Power of Ideas by Moore, Brooke Noel, Bruder,... ISBN: 9780874847697 List Price: $39.95
On the Philosophy of Logic by Fisher, Jennifer ISBN: 9780495008880 List Price: $15.95
Arguing About the Mind by Gertler, Brie, Shapiro, Law... ISBN: 9780415771634 List Price: $41.95
Moral Philosophy by Hume, David, Sayre-McCord, ... ISBN: 9780872205994 List Price: $14.95
Virtue by Battaly ISBN: 9780745649542
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