Philosophy Textbooks

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The word philosophy comes from the Greek word philosophia, which means "the love of wisdom." It all began when men, women and children sat under the stars – long before cars, computers, Disneyland and iPads – wondering how and why they had come into existence. The next step was a wise man uttering the words "I think therefore I am," and the world community was instantly inspired to dive in and understand the human psyche in relation to the cosmos. From Plato to Aristotle to Kant to Descartes, we've got Philosophy textbooks that will help you dive into their theories. You may love them so much that you'll want to become a philosopher yourself! Browse through our extensive catalog of used textbooks to find the title or author you are looking for. Once you've located your book(s), make sure that the ISBN matches up with the one on your course syllabus. This will assure you that you'll have the right edition shipped directly to your home or dorm room. The benefits of buying cheap textbooks online versus expensive textbooks at college bookstores are overwhelming. Why not save a few dollars so that you can head out on a camping trip, where you can spend a few moments under the stars pondering the meaning of life.

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Results 1 - 50 of 22,914 for Philosophy Textbooks
Ethics : Theory and Practice by Thiroux, Thiroux, Jacques P... ISBN: 9780205053148 List Price: $85.33
Critical Thinking: Consider the Verdict by Waller, Bruce N. ISBN: 9780205158669 List Price: $92.00
Twenty Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy by Bowie, G. Lee, Michaels, Me... ISBN: 9781439043967 List Price: $128.95
Archetypes of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy by Soccio, Douglas J. ISBN: 9780495603825 List Price: $130.95
Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy : From Thales to Aristotle by Cohen, S. Marc, Curd, Patri... ISBN: 9781603844628 List Price: $46.00
Elements of Moral Philosophy by Rachels, James, Rachels, St... ISBN: 9780073386713 List Price: $50.00
Fifty Readings Plus: An Introduction to Philosophy by Abel, Donald C. ISBN: 9780073386720 List Price: $80.63
Introduction to Logic (13th Edition) (MyLogicLab Series) (Hardcover) by Copi, Irving M., Cohen, Carl ISBN: 9780136141396 List Price: $127.00
Questions That Matter An Invitation to Philosophy by Miller, Ed. L., Jensen, Jon ISBN: 9780072975017 List Price: $85.94
Logic : Inquiry, Argument, and Order by Pratt, Scott L. ISBN: 9781119050995 List Price: $49.95
Disagreement by Frances, Bryan ISBN: 9780745672267
Critique of Practical Reason by Kant, Immanuel, Pluhar, Wer... ISBN: 9780872206175 List Price: $16.95
Wellness Syndrome by Cederstrom, Carl, Spicer, A... ISBN: 9780745655604
Wellness Syndrome by Cederstrom, Carl, Spicer, A... ISBN: 9780745655611
God Is Beautiful : The Aesthetic Experience of the Quran by Kermani, Crawford, Tony ISBN: 9780745651675
Philosophy and Contemporary Issues by Burr, John R., Goldinger, M... ISBN: 9780131112568 List Price: $109.80
Critique of Judgment by Kant, Immanuel, Meredith, J... ISBN: 9780198245896 List Price: $60.00
Symposium by Plato, Nehamas, Alexander, ... ISBN: 9780872200760 List Price: $8.95
Historical Introduction to Philosophy by Hakim, Albert B. ISBN: 9780131900059 List Price: $107.20
Place of Mind by Cooney, Brian ISBN: 9780534528256 List Price: $128.95
Five Dialogues by Plato, Grube, G. M. A. ISBN: 9780872206335 List Price: $6.95
Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle, Irwin, Terence, ... ISBN: 9780872204645 List Price: $14.95
Writing Philosophy A Student's Guide to Writing Philosophy Essays by Vaughn, Lewis ISBN: 9780195179569 List Price: $19.95
Life's Hardest Questions--Big and Small: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy by Kaufman, Frederik A. ISBN: 9780072901085 List Price: $106.88
Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions by Corey, Gerald, Corey, Maria... ISBN: 9780534614430 List Price: $114.95
Discovering Philosophy by White, Thomas I. ISBN: 9780132302128 List Price: $69.80
Traversing Philosophical Boundaries by Hallman, Max O. ISBN: 9781111298180 List Price: $122.95
Socratic Logic : Socratic Method Platonic Questions by Kreeft, Peter, Dougherty, T... ISBN: 9781587318085 List Price: $40.00
Roots of Wisdom: A Tapestry of Philosophical Traditions by Mitchell, Helen Buss ISBN: 9780495808961 List Price: $151.95
Thinking Critically About Moral Problems by Wall, Thomas F. ISBN: 9780534574239 List Price: $102.95
Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals and What Is Enlightenment? by Beck, Lewis White ISBN: 9780023078255 List Price: $16.40
Logic Techniques of Formal Reasoning by Kalish, Donald, Mar, Gary, ... ISBN: 9780195155044 List Price: $79.95
Ethics: Theory and Practice by Thiroux, Jacques P., Krasem... ISBN: 9780205672363 List Price: $81.60
Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals With on a Supposed Right to Lie Because of Philanthr... by Kant, Immanuel, Ellington, ... ISBN: 9780872201668 List Price: $7.95
Basic Ethics by Boylan, Michael ISBN: 9780136006558 List Price: $52.80
Exploring Ethics by Cahn, Steven M. ISBN: 9780195342000 List Price: $49.95
Ethics in America Source Reader by Newton, Lisa H., Annenberg ... ISBN: 9780131826250 List Price: $69.20
With Good Reason by Engel, S. Morris ISBN: 9780312157586 List Price: $35.95
Philosophical Problems and Arguments An Introduction by Cornman, James W., Lehrer, ... ISBN: 9780872201248 List Price: $18.95
Moral Relativism A Reader by Moser, Paul K., Carson, Tho... ISBN: 9780195131307 List Price: $39.95
Classics of Asian Thought by Baird, Forrest E., Heimbeck... ISBN: 9780133523294 List Price: $75.60
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