Caribbean & Latin American Textbooks

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Results 301 - 308 of 308 for Caribbean & Latin American Textbooks
Mass Appraisal Methods : An International Perspective for Property Valuers by Kauko, Tom, d'Amato, Maurizio ISBN: 9781444301021 List Price: $176.00
Philosophizing the Americas by Carter, Jacoby Adeshei, Car... ISBN: 9781531504922
Philosophizing the Americas by Carter, Jacoby Adeshei, Car... ISBN: 9781531504915
After Clarice : Reading Lispector's Legacy in the Twenty-First Century by Jacobs, Adriana X., William... ISBN: 9781781888599 List Price: $115.00
Frantz Fanon : Literature and Invention by Hiddleston, Jane ISBN: 9781781889220 List Price: $115.00
Malady and Genius : Self-Sacrifice in Puerto Rican Literature by Trigo, Benigno ISBN: 9781438461588 List Price: $22.95
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