Caribbean & Latin American Textbooks

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Results 201 - 250 of 308 for Caribbean & Latin American Textbooks
Chicana Creativity and Criticism: Charting New Frontiers in American Literature by Herrera-Sobek, María, Viram... ISBN: 9780934770859 List Price: $11.00
Caribbean Literature in English by James, Louis ISBN: 9780582493544 List Price: $40.00
Refusal of Shadow by Richardson, Michael, Fijalk... ISBN: 9781859849972 List Price: $65.00
Women,guerillas,+love by Rodriguez, Ileana ISBN: 9780816626267 List Price: $49.95
Fuentes:lectura Y Redaccion >annot.ed< by Rusch, Debbie, Domínguez, M... ISBN: 9780395745786 List Price: $33.16
Philosophy and Literature in Latin America A Critical Assessment of the Current Situation by Gracia, Jorge J. E., Camura... ISBN: 9780791400395 List Price: $31.95
Politics, Gender, and the Mexican Novel, 1968-1988 Beyond the Pyramid by Steele, Cynthia ISBN: 9780292765306 List Price: $30.00
Prose of Jorge Luis Borges Existentialism and the Dynamics of Surprise by Agheana, Ion T. ISBN: 9780820401300 List Price: $31.85
Realismo Magico Y Lo Real Maravilloso Una Cuestion De Verosimilitud by Llarena, Alicia ISBN: 9780935318241 List Price: $30.00
Carlos Fuentes, Mexico, and Modernity by Van Delden, Maarten ISBN: 9780826513458 List Price: $22.95
Civilization and Barbarism A Guide to the Teaching of Latin American Literature by Oliphant, Dave ISBN: 9780867280029 List Price: $4.95
Contemporary Mexican Chronicle Theoretical Perspectives on the Liminal Genre by Corona, Ignacio, Jorgensen,... ISBN: 9780791453537 List Price: $71.50
Contemporary Mexican Chronicle Theoretical Perspectives on the Liminal Genre by Corona, Ignacio, Jorgensen,... ISBN: 9780791453544 List Price: $29.95
Critical Theory, Cultural Politics, and Latin American Narrative by Orr, Leonard D., Bell, Stev... ISBN: 9780268007959 List Price: $34.50
Cuestionamiento De Los Mecanismos De Representacion En LA Novelistica De Fanny Buitrago by Montes Garces, Elizabeth ISBN: 9780820433080 List Price: $44.95
Cultural Space and Theatrical Conventions in the Works of Oduvaldo Vianna Filho by Damasceno, Leslie ISBN: 9780814325957 List Price: $49.95
Mexican American Literature A Preliminary Bibliography of Literary Criticism by Anzaldua, Mike ISBN: 9780867280043 List Price: $3.95
Mexican Literature A History by Foster, David William ISBN: 9780292724822 List Price: $55.00
Murder and Masculinity Violent Fictions of Twentieth Century Latin America by Biron, Rebecca E. ISBN: 9780826513472 List Price: $22.95
Tradition and Innovation Reflections on Latin American Jewish Writing by DiAntonio, Robert, Glickman... ISBN: 9780791415108 List Price: $29.95
Tradition and Innovation Reflections on Latin American Jewish Writing by DiAntonio, Robert, Glickman... ISBN: 9780791415092 List Price: $23.50
Utopia Undone The Fall of Uruguay in the Novels of Carlos Martinez Moreno by Stone, Kenton V. ISBN: 9780838751930 List Price: $35.00
Voices from Under Black Narrative in Latin America and the Caribbean by Luis, William ISBN: 9780313238260 List Price: $113.95
Gaucho Genre A Treatise on the Motherland by Ludmer, Josefina, Weigel, M... ISBN: 9780822328308 List Price: $84.95
Gaucho Genre A Treatise on the Motherland by Ludmer, Josefina, Weigel, M... ISBN: 9780822328445 List Price: $23.95
Historical Novel in Latin America A Symposium by Jitrik, Noe, Sommer, Doris,... ISBN: 9780935318135 List Price: $14.00
Afro-Argentine Discourse Another Dimension of the Black Diaspora by Lewis, Marvin A. ISBN: 9780826210425 List Price: $34.95
Antonio s Pedreira Vida Y Obra by Maldonado de Ortiz, Candida... ISBN: 9780847705122 List Price: $5.00
Autor/Lector Huidobro, Borges, Fuentes Y Sarduy by Rivero-Potter, Alicia ISBN: 9780814322260 List Price: $34.95
Between Two Waters Literary Transculturation in Latin America by Spitta, Silvia ISBN: 9780892633210 List Price: $37.50
Second Shipwreck A Study of Indo-Caribbean Literature by Poynting, Jeremy ISBN: 9781900715676 List Price: $59.95
Invisible Work Borges and Translation by Kristal, Efrain ISBN: 9780826514080 List Price: $22.95
Ironia E Ideologia En LA Regenta De Leopoldo Alas by Diaz, Luis F. ISBN: 9780820417349 List Price: $48.95
Joseph Keene Chadwick Interventions and Continuities in Irish and Gay Studies by Rieder, John, O'Mealy, Jose... ISBN: 9780824826062 List Price: $25.00
LA Isla Que Se Repite El Caribe Y LA Perspectiva Posmoderna by Benítez Rojo, Antonio ISBN: 9780910061377 List Price: $25.00
Literatura Hispanoamericana De Protesta Social (Spanish Edition) by Zarate, Armando ISBN: 9780819192332 List Price: $80.50
Transatlantic Solidarities: Irish Nationalism and Caribbean Poetics by Malouf, Michael G. ISBN: 9780813927800 List Price: $22.50
Knives and Angels: Women Writers in Latin America by Bassnett, Susan ISBN: 9780862328740 List Price: $55.00
Latin-American Women Writers: Class, Race, and Gender (S U N Y Series in Feminist Criticism ... by Jehenson, Myriam Yvonne ISBN: 9780791425596 List Price: $59.50
Embodying Resistance Griselda Gambaro and the Grotesque by Zandstra, Dianne Marie ISBN: 9780838756591 List Price: $51.50
Literature of the Caribbean by Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth ISBN: 9780313328459 List Price: $49.95
Introduction to the French Caribbean Novel by Ormerod, Beverley ISBN: 9780435918392 List Price: $21.50
Introduction to Spanish-American Literature by Franco, Jean ISBN: 9780521073745 List Price: $44.50
Handbook for Teaching Caribbean Literature by Dabydeen, David ISBN: 9780435911850 List Price: $17.50
Gabriel Garcia Marquez by Darraj, Susan Muaddi ISBN: 9780791088395 List Price: $35.00
Intertextuality in Garcia Marquez by Penuel, Arnold ISBN: 9780938972204 List Price: $24.00
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