State & Local/Middle Atlantic (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA) Textbooks

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Results 201 - 250 of 485 for State & Local/Middle Atlantic (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA) Textbooks
Philadelphia's Old Southwark District by Moqtaderi, Heather Gibson, ... ISBN: 9781467121781 List Price: $21.99
Zoned Out! : Race, Displacement and City Planning in New York City by Angott, Tom, Angotti, Tom, ... ISBN: 9780996004138 List Price: $25.00
Maryland in the Civil War: A House Divided by Cottom, Robert I., Jr., Hay... ISBN: 9780801848797 List Price: $39.95
Baltimore: The Nineteenth Century Black Capital by Graham, Leroy ISBN: 9780819126252
This Is New Jersey by Cunningham, John T. ISBN: 9780813521404 List Price: $35.00
Citizen Environmentalists (Civil Society: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives) by Longhurst, James ISBN: 9781584658498 List Price: $85.00
Spatial Regulation in New York City: From Urban Renewal to Zero Tolerance (Routledge Advance... by Chronopoulos, Themis ISBN: 9780415891585 List Price: $105.00
Pittsburgh (Documentary history of American cities) by Lubove, Roy ISBN: 9780531053843 List Price: $12.50
1987 Pennsylvania Statistical Abstract by Department of Commerce Staf... ISBN: 9780818200694 List Price: $11.55
Adirondack Fishing in the 1930s A Lost Paradise by Engels, Vincent ISBN: 9780815602910 List Price: $15.95
Adjustment Experience of Chinese Immigrant Children in New York City by Sung, Betty L. ISBN: 9780913256893 List Price: $19.50
After Ratification Material Life in Delaware, 1789-1820 by Garrison, J. Ritchie, Herma... ISBN: 9780925050007 List Price: $12.50
Agricultural Transition in New York State Markets and Migration in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Am... by Parkerson, Donald H. ISBN: 9781557532824 List Price: $58.95
Printers and Men of Capital Philadelphia Book Publishers in the New Republic by Remer, Rosalind ISBN: 9780812217520 List Price: $24.95
Private City Philadelphia in Three Periods of Its Growth by Warner, Sam Bass, Jr. ISBN: 9780812280616 List Price: $39.50
Public Report of the White House Security Review by Douglass, David L. ISBN: 9780788146541 List Price: $25.00
Rail Transit Station Area Development Small Area Modeling in Washington, D.C. by Green, Rodney D., James, Da... ISBN: 9780873326964 List Price: $109.95
Eleven Stories High Growing Up in Stuyvesant Town, 1948-1968 by Demas, Corinne ISBN: 9780791446294 List Price: $25.50
Ellis Island by Cooper, Terry ISBN: 9780439296403 List Price: $3.95
Footprints in the Ramapos Life in the Mountains Before the State Parks by Smeltzer-Stevenot, Marjorie ISBN: 9780960863433 List Price: $12.95
In the Catskills by Burroughs, John, Johnson, C... ISBN: 9780945677048 List Price: $12.50
Journals of Christian Daniel Claus and Conrad Weiser A Journey to Onondaga, 1750 by Starna, William A. ISBN: 9780871698421 List Price: $10.00
Keeping House Women's Lives in Western Pennsylvania 1790-1850 by Bartlett, Virginia K. ISBN: 9780822938545 List Price: $39.95
New Jersey Coast and Pines by Kobbé, Gustav, Feraud ISBN: 9780915850075 List Price: $6.95
New Jersey Troops in the Gettysburg Campaign by Toombs, Samuel, Martin, Dav... ISBN: 9780944413111 List Price: $30.00
New York State Today Politics, Government, Public Policy by Colby, Peter W., White, Joh... ISBN: 9780887069802 List Price: $18.95
Of a Place and a Time Remembering Lancaster by Altick, Richard D. ISBN: 9780208023216 List Price: $27.50
Chesapeake Family and Their Slaves A Study in Historical Archaeology by Yentsch, Anne Elizabeth, Hu... ISBN: 9780521432931 List Price: $94.99
Canal Water and Whiskey by Rapp, Marvin A., Johnson, F... ISBN: 9781878097071 List Price: $19.95
Council Minutes 1655-1656 by Gehring, Charles T., Gehrin... ISBN: 9780815626466 List Price: $75.00
Creating a New City Columbia, Maryland by Tennenbaum, Robert ISBN: 9780964372870 List Price: $25.00
From Great Wilderness to Seaway Towns A Comparative History of Cornwall, Ontario and Massena... by Parham, Claire Puccia ISBN: 9780791459812 List Price: $45.00
Geography of New Jersey The City in the Garden by Stansfield, Charles A., Jr. ISBN: 9780813525785 List Price: $59.00
Girls Jewish Women of Brownsville, Brooklyn, 1940-1995 by Ford, Carole Bell ISBN: 9780791443637 List Price: $50.50
Group Health Association A Portrait of a Health Maintenance Organization by Berkowitz, Edward D., Wolff... ISBN: 9780877225522 List Price: $39.95
History of 1st Regiment Delaware Volunteers by Seville, William P. ISBN: 9780944413005 List Price: $16.00
History of Battery B, First New Jersey Artillery by Hanifen, Michael, Martin, D... ISBN: 9780944413173 List Price: $25.00
History of the First Regiment Delaware Volunteers by Seville, William P. ISBN: 9780944413524 List Price: $20.00
Horse Died in Windber by Winograd, Leonard ISBN: 9781556050565 List Price: $14.95
Hudson River Memories by Burroughs, Julian, Kelley, ... ISBN: 9780945677024 List Price: $12.50
Architecture of Bergen County, New Jersey The Colonial Period to the Twentieth Century by Brown, T. Robins, Warmflash... ISBN: 9780813528670 List Price: $35.00
Beverwijck A Dutch Village on the American Frontier, 1652-1664 by Venema, Janny ISBN: 9780791460795 List Price: $86.50
Capital Tales True Stories About Washington's Heroes, Villains & Belles by Atwater, Maxine ISBN: 9781880774212 List Price: $14.95
Life in the White House A Social History of the First Family and the President's House by Watson, Robert P. ISBN: 9780791460979 List Price: $57.50
Living White House by Aikman, Lonnelle ISBN: 9780788174087 List Price: $25.00
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