State & Local/Middle Atlantic (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA) Textbooks

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Results 151 - 200 of 485 for State & Local/Middle Atlantic (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA) Textbooks
Business or Blood : Mafia Boss Vito Rizzuto's Last War by Edwards, Peter, Nicaso, Ant... ISBN: 9780345813770
Forever Wild A Cultural History of Wilderness in the Adirondacks by Terrie, Philip G. ISBN: 9780815602880 List Price: $19.95
Incredible New York High Life and Low Life from 1850 to 1950 by Morris, Lloyd R. ISBN: 9780815603344 List Price: $19.95
Middle-Class City Transforming Space and Time in Philadelphia, 1876-1926 by Hepp, John Henry ISBN: 9780812237238 List Price: $49.95
Smile A Picture History of Olympic Park 1887-1965 by Siegel, Alan A. ISBN: 9780813522555 List Price: $23.00
Ever a Frontier The Bicentennial History of the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary by Walther, James A. ISBN: 9780802837233 List Price: $25.00
Philadelphia Navy Yard From the Birth of the U.S. Navy to the Nuclear Age by Dorwart, Jeffrey M., Wolf, ... ISBN: 9780812235753 List Price: $65.00
Little Water Medicine Society of the Senecas by Fenton, William Nelson ISBN: 9780806134475 List Price: $24.95
On Duty: Power, Politics, and the History of Nursing in New Jersey by Ward, Frances ISBN: 9780813544915 List Price: $39.95
Wpa Guide to 1930s New Jersey by Federal Writers' Project Staff ISBN: 9780813511528 List Price: $60.00
Forging a Majority: The Formation of the Republican Party in Pittsburgh 1848-60 by Holt, Michael F. ISBN: 9780822936329 List Price: $49.95
Handful of Providence The Civil War Letters of Lt. Richard Goldwaite, New York Volunteers, a... by Goldwaite, Richard, Goldwai... ISBN: 9780786418565 List Price: $49.95
The Fisheries of Raritan Bay - Clyde L. MacKenzie - Paperback by MacKenzie, Clyde L., Jr. ISBN: 9780813518404 List Price: $16.95
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange and the City It Made by Vitiello, Domenic, Thomas, ... ISBN: 9780812242249 List Price: $45.00
Business of Captivity : Elmira and Its Civil War Prison by Gray, Michael P. ISBN: 9781606352663 List Price: $29.95
Kent Island - The Land Hat Once Was Eden by Zank, Michael, Freedman, J. ISBN: 9781405179720 List Price: $25.95
Power and Society Greater New York at the Turn of the Century by Hammack, David C. ISBN: 9780871543486 List Price: $42.50
Baltimore Book New Views of Local History by Shopes, Linda, Fee, Elizabe... ISBN: 9780877228172 List Price: $61.50
Brooklyn! An Illustrated History by Snyder-Grenier, Ellen ISBN: 9781566394086 List Price: $39.50
White House by Yanuck, Debbie L. ISBN: 9780736816335 List Price: $21.26
Plymouth Pilgrims: A History of the 85th New York Infantry in the Civil War by Mahood, Wayne, Martin, Davi... ISBN: 9780944413227 List Price: $30.00
Baltimore's Deaf Heritage by Brockway, Kathleen ISBN: 9781467121934 List Price: $21.99
Erie County Fair by Biniasz, Martin, Erie Count... ISBN: 9781467122061 List Price: $21.99
Terminal Bar : A Photographic Record of New York�s Most Notorious Watering Hole by Nadelman, Stefan, Nadelman,... ISBN: 9781616892135
Summer Haven : The Catskills, the Holocaust, and the Literary Imagination by Levitsky, Holli, Brown, Phil ISBN: 9781618115164
From Memory to Memorial : Shanksville, America, and Flight 93 by Thompson, J. William ISBN: 9780271076997
New York City Neighborhoods: The 18th Century by Rothschild, Nan A. ISBN: 9780975273869
Civil War and New York City by McKay, Ernest ISBN: 9780815625452 List Price: $17.95
New York and the First World War Shaping an American City by Wilson, Ross ISBN: 9781472419491 List Price: $119.95
Allegheny Cemetery by Speranza, Lisa, Foley, Nancy ISBN: 9781467117388 List Price: $21.99
Brooklyn's Central Library by Brooklyn Public Library, Mo... ISBN: 9781467124447 List Price: $21.99
Day Lincoln Was Almost Shot : The Fort Stevens Story by Cooling, Benjamin Franklin,... ISBN: 9781442252783 List Price: $29.00
Independence Hall In American Memory by Mires, Charlene ISBN: 9780812236651 List Price: $47.50
Beneath the Starry Flag New Jersey's Civil War Experience by Siegel, Alan A. ISBN: 9780813529431 List Price: $25.00
Mighty Change, Tall Within Black Identity in the Hudson Valley by Armstead, Myra B. Young ISBN: 9780791456729 List Price: $29.95
Seeing Ghosts: 9/11 and the Visual Imagination by Engle, Karen ISBN: 9780773535411 List Price: $27.95
Down in the Dumps by Scandura, Jani, Throm, Judy ISBN: 9780822336549 List Price: $99.95
Words That Make New Jersey History A Primary Source Reader by Green, Howard L. ISBN: 9780813521138 List Price: $22.95
New Jersey Anthology by Lurie, Maxine N. ISBN: 9780911020298 List Price: $18.95
Somewhat More Independent by White, Shane ISBN: 9780820317861 List Price: $20.00
This Is New Jersey by Cunningham, John T. ISBN: 9780813521411 List Price: $22.95
Brooklyn's Waterfront Railways: A Pictorial Journey by Bendersky, Jay ISBN: 9780962023705 List Price: $22.50
Jersey Midlands by Beck, Henry C. ISBN: 9780813510293 List Price: $14.00
Adirondack Park: A Political History by Graham, Frank, Jr. ISBN: 9780815601920 List Price: $19.95
Vigorous Spirit of Enterprise by Doerflinger, Thomas M. ISBN: 9780393956955 List Price: $9.95
Silver Spring Township by Musser, Christine Clepper, ... ISBN: 9781467121897 List Price: $21.99
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