State & Local/Middle Atlantic (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA) Textbooks

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Results 451 - 485 of 485 for State & Local/Middle Atlantic (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA) Textbooks
Profiles of New York, 2015/16 by Garoogian, David ISBN: 9781619255654 List Price: $149.00
Around Philipsburg by McGeehan, Dennis, McGeehan,... ISBN: 9781467124263 List Price: $21.99
White House by Murray, Julie ISBN: 9781680809169 List Price: $27.07
Manhattan Diary 1995 by Unknown ISBN: 9780914975700 List Price: $30.00
Manhattan Diary 1995 by Unknown ISBN: 9780914975724 List Price: $15.00
Manhattan Diary 1995 by Unknown ISBN: 9780914975717 List Price: $30.00
Parish Institutions of Maryland by Ingle, Edward ISBN: 9780598912091 List Price: $30.00
Gazetteer of the State of New York by French, J. H. ISBN: 9780608363783 List Price: $200.00
History of the Adirondacks by Donaldson, Alfred L. ISBN: 9780598411693 List Price: $128.40
History of the Adirondacks by Donaldson, Alfred L. ISBN: 9780598411686 List Price: $138.90
Pioneer Women Military Pilots : At New Castle Army Air Base in World War II by Churchill, Jan ISBN: 9780692710975 List Price: $25.00
Residence : Inside the Private World of the White House by Brower, Kate Andersen ISBN: 9781628997187 List Price: $35.95
Pittsburgh : A Place in Time Study Guide by Canterna, Marcy ISBN: 9780977042906 List Price: $5.95
Brain Cramps from My Balcony by Thompson, Donald C. ISBN: 9781787102767
Manhattan Daily Plan-It 1995 by Unknown ISBN: 9780914975731 List Price: $18.00
Manhattan Daily Plan-It 1995 by Unknown ISBN: 9780914975748 List Price: $60.00
Manhattan Daily Plan-It 1995 by Unknown ISBN: 9780914975755 List Price: $40.00
Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia by Baltzell, E. Digby ISBN: 9781138531314
Kaufmann's : The Family That Built Pittsburgh's Famed Department Store by Pitz, Marylynne, Malt Schne... ISBN: 9780822967132
Ecologies of Inequity : How Disaster Response Reconstitutes Race and Class Inequality by Medwinter, Sancha Doxilly ISBN: 9780820363806 List Price: $29.95
Ecologies of Inequity : How Disaster Response Reconstitutes Race and Class Inequality by Medwinter, Sancha Doxilly ISBN: 9780820363813 List Price: $114.95
Unforgettable New Jersey Characters : Heroes, Scoundrels, Politicians and More by Bilby, Joseph, Ziegler, Harry ISBN: 9781540252791 List Price: $33.99
Buffalo Radio by Biniasz, Martin ISBN: 9781540252982 List Price: $32.99
Bellefonte by Tate, Marsha Ann, Houser, Earl ISBN: 9781540253040 List Price: $32.99
How You Get Famous : Ten Years of Drag Madness in Brooklyn by Pasulka, Nicole ISBN: 9781982115807
A Storied Past : Collections of the Historic Odessa by Zimmerman, Philip ISBN: 9781538182703 List Price: $75.00
Back to the Prairie : A Home Remade, a Life Rediscovered by Gilbert, Melissa ISBN: 9798885781329 List Price: $34.99
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