Technology & Engineering Books
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Would you believe us if we told you we had hundreds of thousands of text books on the subject of technology? Moreover, you can buy technology and engineering textbooks online right here from this very page. We've divided everything into convenient categories, ranging from acoustics and sound to agriculture, and industrial design to industrial engineering. Whenever you want affordable text books that have been pre-owned, Valore Books should be the name you think of. From electrical codes to books on semiconductors and wireless communications, you can be secure in the knowledge Valore Books has thousands of books to offer you. We buy back technology and engineering books all the time, adding them to our collection and making it possible to rent them too. When you realize just how many good deals there are to enjoy and how affordable they are, you will be back for all your future college text books too.
- Acoustics & Sound (1,470)
- Aeronautics & Astronautics (4,028)
- Agriculture (21,466)
- Automation (1,321)
- Automotive (3,560)
- Biomedical (390)
- Cartography (691)
- Chemical & Biochemical (2,206)
- Civil (8,108)
- Construction (11,361)
- Drafting & Mechanical Drawing (498)
- Electrical (6,868)
- Electronics (15,528)
- Emergency Management (688)
- Engineering (General) (6,868)
- Environmental (10,139)
- Fiber Optics (1,178)
- Fire Science (2,198)
- Fisheries & Aquaculture (2,077)
- Food Science (2,460)
- Fracture Mechanics (532)
- General (3,860)
- History (631)
- Holography (361)
- Hydraulics (2,128)
- Imaging Systems (824)
- Industrial Design (2,618)
- Industrial Engineering (2,917)
- Industrial Health & Safety (3,422)
- Industrial Technology (2,169)
- Inventions (608)
- Lasers & Photonics (1,212)
- Machinery (1,509)
- Manufacturing (2,371)
- Marine & Naval (512)
- Material Science (8,541)
- Mechanical (4,061)
- Mensuration (396)
- Metallurgy (4,084)
- Microwaves (548)
- Military Science (5,614)
- Mining (2,416)
- Mobile & Wireless Communications (2,611)
- Nanotechnology & MEMS (2,074)
- Operations Research (490)
- Optics (1,163)
- Pest Control (1,277)
- Petroleum (3,921)
- Power Resources (13,485)
- Project Management (149)
- Quality Control (124)
- Radar (593)
- Radio (1,408)
- Reference (1,108)
- Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems (1,118)
- Research (146)
- Robotics (1,733)
- Sensors* (1,030)
- Signals & Signal Processing (866)
- Social Aspects (1,347)
- Structural (2,073)
- Superconductors & Superconductivity (566)
- Surveying (418)
- Technical & Manufacturing Industries & Trades (4,145)
- Technical Writing (916)
- Telecommunications (5,450)
- Television & Video (1,654)
- Textiles & Polymers (1,945)
- Tribology (555)