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Technology Systems by Wright, R. Thomas ISBN: 9780870068966 List Price: $35.96
Larstan's the Black Book on Corporate Security Cutting-Edge Guidance from the World's Leadin... by Alagna, Tony, Brocaglia, Jo... ISBN: 9780976426615 List Price: $49.95
Engineering Fundamentals and Problem Solving - Arvid R. Eide - Hardcover by Eide, Arvid R., Jenison, Ro... ISBN: 9780070191235 List Price: $50.55
Technical Drawing and Design - David L. Goetsch - Hardcover by Goetsch, David L., Nelson, ... ISBN: 9780827322233 List Price: $45.95
Final Cut Pro Hd For Mac Os X Visual Quickpro Guide by Brenneis, Lisa ISBN: 9780321269188 List Price: $29.99
College Writer With Cd-rom by VanderMey, Randall ISBN: 9780618406760 List Price: $79.56
Invention of the Silicon Chip A Revolution in Daily Life by Chorlton, Windsor, Chorlton... ISBN: 9781588105547 List Price: $25.64
Science and Technical Writing : A Guide to the Types of Science and Technical Writing with a... by Richards, Mary-Anne, Frankl... ISBN: 9780757570940 List Price: $61.95
VHDL:Modular Design and Synthesis of Cores and Systems, Third Edition by Zainalabedin Navabi ISBN: 9780071475457 List Price: $99.95
Standard Handbook Of Machine Design by Shigley, Joseph, Mischke, C... ISBN: 9780071441643 List Price: $131.00
Motor Control Electronics Handbook by Valentine, Richard ISBN: 9780070668102 List Price: $99.95
Garbage Wars The Struggle For Environmental Justice In Chicago by Pellow, David ISBN: 9780262661874 List Price: $19.95
Biomedical Engineering: Bridging Medicine and Technology by Saltzman, W. Mark, Tran, Ve... ISBN: 9780521840996 List Price: $104.00
High Cycle Fatigue A Mechanics of Materials Perspective by Nicholas, Theodore ISBN: 9780080446912 List Price: $265.00
Current Advances in Mechanical Design and Production VII Proceedings of the Seventh Cairo Un... by Hassan, M. F., Megahed, S. M. ISBN: 9780080437118 List Price: $230.00
Wind Energy Handbook by Burton, Tony ISBN: 9781119992721
Wind Energy Handbook by Burton, Tony, Jenkins, Nick... ISBN: 9780470699751 List Price: $145.00
Phase Noise Analysis in Radar Systems Using Personal Computers by Goldman, Stanley J. ISBN: 9780471618942 List Price: $195.00
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Edition by Erwin Kreyszig ISBN: 9780471154969
Cranes and Derricks, Fourth Edition by Shapiro, Lawrence, Shapiro,... ISBN: 9780071625579 List Price: $99.95
Water Transmission and Distribution, Fourth Edition by Mays, Larry ISBN: 9781583217818 List Price: $129.00
Bridge and Structure Estimating by Nardon, J. David ISBN: 9780070456693
Assurance Technologies Principles And Practices A Product, Process, And System Safety Perspe... by Raheja, Dev G., Allocco, Mi... ISBN: 9780471744917 List Price: $104.95
Water and Wastewater Technology by Hammer, Mark J., Hammer, Ma... ISBN: 9780131745421 List Price: $130.40
Electrical Safety Handbook by Cadick, John, Capelli-Schel... ISBN: 9780071745130
Soil Mechanics by Lambe, T. William, Whitman,... ISBN: 9780471511922 List Price: $195.00
Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Operation in Wastewater Treatment Plants WEF Manual of Pra... by Water Environment Federation ISBN: 9780071464154 List Price: $125.00
Electronic Failure Analysis Handbook by Martin, Perry ISBN: 9780071626347 List Price: $9.95
Soil Science Simplified by Bennett, William F., Green,... ISBN: 9780813818238 List Price: $64.95
Ec&M's Electrical Calculations Handbook by Paschal, John ISBN: 9780071360951 List Price: $54.95
Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH) Foundation Learning Guide: Foundation learn... by Frahim, Erum, Sivasubramani... ISBN: 9781587058844 List Price: $70.00
Valve Amplifiers, Fourth Edition by Jones, Morgan ISBN: 9780080966403 List Price: $69.95
Modern VLSI Design: IP-Based Design by Wolf, Wayne ISBN: 9780137145003 List Price: $109.00
Analytical Methods for Energy Diversity and Security: A Tribute to Shimon Awerbuch by Bazilian, Morgan, Roques, F... ISBN: 9780080568874 List Price: $170.00
A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing: The Sparse Way by Mallat, Stéphane, Peyré, Ga... ISBN: 9780123743701 List Price: $99.95
Basic Environmental Technology Water Supply, Waste Management, and Pullution Control by Nathanson, Jerry A. ISBN: 9780131190825 List Price: $130.40
Signal Processing for Active Control by Elliott, Stephen ISBN: 9780122370854 List Price: $139.00
Nanomaterials in the Environment by Wiesner, Mark, Bottero, Jea... ISBN: 9780071477505 List Price: $125.00
Building Technology Mechanical & Electrical Systems by Stein, Benjamin J., Stein, Ben ISBN: 9780471593195 List Price: $160.00
Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Zill, Dennis G., Cullen, Mi... ISBN: 9780763745912 List Price: $222.95
Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the TMS320C6713 and TMS320C6416 DSK by Chassaing, Rulph, Reay, Donald ISBN: 9780470138663 List Price: $140.00
Power System Stability and Control by Kundur, Prabha ISBN: 9780070359581 List Price: $105.00
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