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Results 51 - 100 of 10,485 for Nursing Books
Advanced Assessment: Interpreting Findings and Formulating Differential Diagnoses by Goolsby, Mary Jo, Grubbs, L... ISBN: 9780803621725 List Price: $59.95
Taylor's Video Guide to Clinical Nursing Skills: Student Set on Enhanced DVD by Carol R. Taylor PhD MSN R... ISBN: 9781608311491 List Price: $72.95
Nursing Administration: Scope and Standards of Practice by American Nurses Association... ISBN: 9781558102675 List Price: $22.95
Clinical Drug Therapy Rationales for Nursing Practice by Abrams, Anne Collins, Lammo... ISBN: 9780781762632 List Price: $74.95
Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes by Gulanick, Meg, Myers, Judit... ISBN: 9780323065375 List Price: $58.95
Understanding Nursing Research : Using Research in Evidence-Based Practice by Macnee, Carol L., Rebar, Ca... ISBN: 9781605477305 List Price: $65.95
Nursing Care Plans Nursing Diagnosis and Intervention by Gulanick, Meg, Myers, Judit... ISBN: 9780323016278 List Price: $49.95
Lippincott's Photo Atlas of Medication Administration by Lynn, Pamela ISBN: 9781451112481 List Price: $15.95
Perspectives on Nursing Theory by Reed ISBN: 9781609137489 List Price: $64.95
Theoretical Basis for Nursing, North American Edition by McEwen, Melanie, Wills, Evelyn ISBN: 9781605473239 List Price: $56.95
Lab Manual to Accompany Health Assessment in Nursing by Weber, Janet R., Kelley, Jane ISBN: 9780781781619 List Price: $37.95
NCLEX-RN Exam Cram (3rd Edition) by Rinehart, Wilda, Sloan, Dia... ISBN: 9780789744821 List Price: $39.99
Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing by Smeltzer, Suzanne C. O'Conn... ISBN: 9780781759786 List Price: $119.95
Nursing Care Plans Nursing Diagnosis And Intervention by Gulanick, Meg, Myers, Judit... ISBN: 9780323039543 List Price: $58.95
Applying Nursing Process by Alfaro-Lefevre ISBN: 9781609136970 List Price: $57.99
Basic Statistics for Nursing And Health Professions by Garzon, Laurel S., Plichta,... ISBN: 9780781754590 List Price: $69.95
Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care by Lillis, Carol, LeMone, Pris... ISBN: 9780781781572 List Price: $109.95
Study Guide to Accoompany Pathophysiology by Porth, Carol Mattson ISBN: 9780781769136 List Price: $29.95
Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing by Kurzen, Corrine R. ISBN: 9781609136925 List Price: $48.95
Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing by Smeltzer, Suzanne C., Bare,... ISBN: 9780781766951 List Price: $119.95
Introductory Mental Health Nursing by Womble, Donna M. ISBN: 9781608313921 List Price: $45.95
Davis's Nclex-PN Review by Tradewell, Golden, Beare, P... ISBN: 9780803614598 List Price: $41.95
Health Assessment in Nursing by Weber, Janet, Kelley, Jane,... ISBN: 9780781791182 List Price: $29.95
Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults by Miller, Carol A. ISBN: 9781605477770 List Price: $74.95
Professional Issues in Nursing by Huston, Carol J., Huston, C... ISBN: 9781605473956 List Price: $61.95
Nursing Care Planning Made Incredibly Easy! by Cole, Sharon, Comerford, Ka... ISBN: 9781582555539 List Price: $44.95
Health Assessment in Nursing by Weber, Janet, Kelley, Jane H. ISBN: 9780781762403 List Price: $94.95
Critical Care Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! by Lippincott ISBN: 9781609136499 List Price: $42.95
Fundamentals of Nursing Thinking & Doing by Wilkinson, Judith M., Van L... ISBN: 9780803611979 List Price: $56.95
Mosby's Guide to Nursing Diagnosis by Ladwig, Gail B., Ackley, Be... ISBN: 9780323071727 List Price: $41.95
Lippincott's Clinical & Care Planning Guide for Psychiatric Nursing by Springhouse Publishing Comp... ISBN: 9781582557304 List Price: $44.95
Nursing Health Assessment : A Best Practice Approach by Jensen, Sharon, George, Nancy ISBN: 9781582558462 List Price: $40.95
Applying Nursing Process A Tool For Critical Thinking by Alfaro-Lefevre, Rosalinda A. ISBN: 9780781753784 List Price: $45.95
Harriet Lane Handbook A Manual for Pediatric House Officers by Johns Hopkins Hospital Staf... ISBN: 9780323008129 List Price: $37.95
Primary Care for Sports and Fitness: A Lifespan Approach by Toy, Brian J., Healy, Phyll... ISBN: 9780803614925 List Price: $59.95
History of Nursing Ideas by Andrist, Linda C., Nicholas... ISBN: 9780763722890 List Price: $96.95
Integrative Health Promotion Conceptual Bases for Nursing Practice by Leddy, Susan Kun ISBN: 9780763738402 List Price: $91.95
Skill Checklists to Accompany Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care (... by LeMone, Priscilla, Lillis, ... ISBN: 9780781764063 List Price: $26.95
Journey Across the Life Span Human Development and Health Promotion by Polan, Elaine U., Taylor, D... ISBN: 9780803615939 List Price: $31.95
Clinical Instruction And Evaluation A Teaching Resource by O'Connor, Andrea B. ISBN: 9780763738587 List Price: $66.95
Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing by Timby, Barbara Kuhn, Smith,... ISBN: 9780781780322 List Price: $72.95
Introductory Mental Health Nursing by Daniel, Womble, Donna M. ISBN: 9780781736855 List Price: $47.95
Np Notes: Nurse Practitioner's Clinical Pocket Guide by McCaffrey, Ruth, Youngkin, ... ISBN: 9780803621671 List Price: $34.95
Research for Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare by Newell, Robert, Burnard, Ph... ISBN: 9781444331127 List Price: $28.99
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