Nursing Books
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We have a wide selection of discounted text books on medical subjects, as you can see here. Buy cheap nursing textbooks from our collection and look for books on assessment and diagnosis, gerontology, emergency and home and community care. We have titles including Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination; Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing; Community and Public Health Nursing: Evidence for Practice; and Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application. We have many other affordable titles as well, enabling you to rent used nursing textbooks on some occasions if you wish. With all these books available for you to choose from you can always secure the deals you need. Our selection comes from our buyback service and enables our college student customers to find pre-owned books for discounted prices. Make sure you can get the books you want as well, direct from our site.
- Assessment & Diagnosis (345)
- Critical & Intensive Care (495)
- Emergency (235)
- Fundamentals & Skills (1,116)
- General (135)
- Gerontology (301)
- Home & Community Care (489)
- Issues (593)
- LPN & LVN (95)
- Management & Leadership (510)
- Maternity, Perinatal, Women's Health (422)
- Medical & Surgical (616)
- Nurse & Patient (181)
- Oncology & Cancer (199)
- Pediatric & Neonatal (361)
- Psychiatric (448)
- Reference (149)
- Research & Theory (424)
- Test Preparation & Review (946)