Rent Management Textbooks

When it comes down to it, management is all about getting people together to achieve a goal using the resources available. Whether you're building a campfire, filming a movie, throwing a party, or running a company, the end result depends on how well the task was managed. And no one wants to throw a lame party, now do they? Certainly not. Enter your new Management textbook rental. Now choose your style: autocratic, democratic, paternalistic or the more laid-back Laissez-faire. Then make some important decisions and start climbing that corporate ladder. Before you know it, you'll be answering to the two Bobs as you wrestle with your TPS reports. So rent a Management textbook and learn how to look busy while your boss other people around from the corner office--with a view.

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Results 251 - 300 of 13,335 Management Textbook Rentals
Focused Operations Management for Health Services Organizations by Ronen, Boaz, Pliskin, Josep... ISBN: 9780787984540 List Price: $80.00
Cruise Operations Management by Gibson, Philip ISBN: 9780750678353 List Price: $54.95
Operations Management & Student CD Package (9th Edition) by Jay Heizer, Barry Render ISBN: 9780136014874 List Price: $226.67
International Logistics: The Management of International Trade Operations by David, David, Pierre A., St... ISBN: 9781111219550 List Price: $93.50
Operations Management by Russell, Roberta S., Taylor... ISBN: 9780130782250 List Price: $166.80
Principles of Operations Management With Tutorials by Render, Barry, Heizer, Jay ISBN: 9780132647717 List Price: $80.00
Contracts, Co-Operation, and Competition Studies in Economics, Management, and Law by Deakin, Simon, Michie, Jona... ISBN: 9780198292661 List Price: $199.00
Farmer behaviour, agricultural management and climate Change by Organisation for Economic C... ISBN: 9789264167643 List Price: $33.00
Operations Management Contemporary Concepts and Cases by Schroeder, Roger G. ISBN: 9780072498912 List Price: $70.63
Outlines & Highlights for Operations Management: An Integrated Approach by Reid, ISBN: 97804... by Cram101 Textbook Reviews Staff ISBN: 9781428864443 List Price: $11.95
International Hospitality Business Management and Operations by Yu, Larry ISBN: 9780789005595 List Price: $145.00
Operations Risk Managing a Key Component of Operations Risk Under Basel II by Loader, David ISBN: 9780750667999 List Price: $76.95
Principles of Operations Management & Student CD & Student DVD (7th Edition) by Jay Heizer, Barry Render ISBN: 9780136014898 List Price: $208.00
Hazardous Materials: Managing The Incident Field Operations Guide by Armando (Toby) Bevelacqua ISBN: 9781449696726 List Price: $59.95
Revenue Management: Maximizing Revenue in Hospitality Operations by Gabor Forgacs ISBN: 9780866123488 List Price: $78.95
Essential Operations Management by Hill, Alex, Hill, Terry ISBN: 9780230232594 List Price: $70.00
Operations Management by Jones, Peter, Robinson, Peter ISBN: 9780199593583 List Price: $59.95
Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Core by Jacobs, F. Robert, Chase, R... ISBN: 9781259549724 List Price: $258.00
Managing the President's Message: The White House Communications Operation by Kumar, Martha Joynt ISBN: 9780801895593 List Price: $20.00
Strategic Operations Management A Value Chain Approach by Walters, David, Rainbird, Mark ISBN: 9780230507654 List Price: $67.95
Casino Operations Management by Kilby, Jim, Fox, Jim ISBN: 9780471163909 List Price: $75.00
Service Management Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology by Fitzsimmons, James A., Fitz... ISBN: 9780072823738 List Price: $111.56
Focused Operations Management by Ronen, Boaz, Pass, Shimeon ISBN: 9780470145104 List Price: $100.00
Cruise Operations Management by Gibson, Philip ISBN: 9780415699532 List Price: $56.95
Managing Construction Contracts Operational Controls for Commercial Risks by Gilbreath, Robert D. ISBN: 9780471569329 List Price: $175.00
Production and Operations Management: An Applied Modern Approach by Joseph S. Martinich ISBN: 9780471546320
Monitoring Exchange Server 2007 with System Center Operations Manager by Desmond, Brian, Smith, Mich... ISBN: 9780470148952 List Price: $39.99
Managing in Developing Countries Strategic Analysis and Operating Techniques by Austin, James E. ISBN: 9780743236294 List Price: $22.95
Operations Management for Competitive Advantage by Chase, Richard B., Jacobs, ... ISBN: 9780072845075 List Price: $124.37
Supply Chain Management Strategy, Planning and Operations Strategy, Planning and Operation by Chopra, Sunil, Meindl, Peter ISBN: 9780130264657 List Price: $93.33
Production and Operations Management Manufacturing and Services by Chase, Richard B., Aquilano... ISBN: 9780256140231 List Price: $73.75
Domestic Transferable Permits for Environmental Management Design and Implementation by Organisation for Economic C... ISBN: 9789264186569 List Price: $43.00
OECD Reviews of Human Resource Management in Government Belgium: Brussels-Capital Region, Fe... by OECD Organisation for Econo... ISBN: 9789264038196 List Price: $34.00
Systemic Financial Risk (Oecd Reviews of Risk Management Policies) by Organization for Economic C... ISBN: 9789264112728 List Price: $35.00
Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Service : OECD Guidelines and Country Experiences by Organisation for Economic C... ISBN: 9789264104921 List Price: $67.00
Active Technologies for Network and Service Management 10th Ifip/IEEE International Workshop... by Stadler, Rolf, Stiller, Bur... ISBN: 9783540665984 List Price: $84.95
Case Studies in the Management of Food & Beverage Operations by Todd Comen ISBN: 9780866122740 List Price: $66.95
Operations Management for Mbas by Meredith, Jack R., Shafer, ... ISBN: 9780471298281 List Price: $44.95
Integrated Operations Management Adding Value for Customers by Hanna, Mark D., Newman, Roc... ISBN: 9780130711618 List Price: $135.00
Computer Simulation in Operations Management by Jess S. Boronico, Keith Kla... ISBN: 9780899307329 List Price: $110.95
Study Guide for Principles of Operations Management, 7th Edition / Operations Management, 9t... by Jay Heizer, Barry Render, K... ISBN: 9780136126188 List Price: $46.67
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