Rent Literature Textbooks

The Latin roots of the word "literature" mean "acquaintance with letters." If you are reading something that sounds as elegant as that phrase, you're probably reading literature. It is through literature textbooks that we begin to see the world as it was years, decades, or centuries ago. We understand the way 1800s America looked because of the works of Mark Twain. Through Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales," we know that the English of the 14th century enjoyed a dirty joke as much as we do. Although a fine piece of literary art may stay with you forever, you may not want your text books to do the same. When this is the case, consider textbook rental. When you rent textbooks, you make use of them for the duration of your class and then return them. Students who rent literature textbooks never have to worry about the bookstore declining to buy back a book because the professor chose to use a different edition next year. Literature can evoke some of our strongest emotions, but so does saving money.

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Results 351 - 400 of 24,742 Literature Textbook Rentals
Currents in Literature World Volume: Integrated English Language Arts by Levine, Harold, Levine, Nor... ISBN: 9781567651461
Adventures in English Literature - Damrosch - Hardcover by Damrosch ISBN: 9780153350450 List Price: $66.50
Cambridge Guide To Literature In English by Head, Dominic ISBN: 9780521831796 List Price: $62.00
English Yes! Learning English Through Literature, Level 2 Introductory by Glencoe McGraw-Hill Staff ISBN: 9780078311093 List Price: $19.40
Great Good Place: The Country House and English Literature by Kelsall, Malcolm, Davis, Ri... ISBN: 9780231081467 List Price: $75.00
Eighteenth-Century English Literature by Tillotson, Geoffrey, Fussel... ISBN: 9780155209572 List Price: $76.50
English Literature and Irish Politics by Arnold, Matthew, Super, R. H. ISBN: 9780472116591 List Price: $90.00
Ap Success English Literature & Composition by Peterson's Guides Staff ISBN: 9780768912630 List Price: $16.95
Beyond Silence Chinese Canadian Literature in English by Chao, Lien ISBN: 9780920661697 List Price: $19.95
Literature of Fact Selected Papers from the English Institute by Fletcher, Angus ISBN: 9780231041447 List Price: $90.00
Greenery: Ecocritical readings of late medieval English literature by Rudd, Gillian ISBN: 9780719072499 List Price: $28.95
Cliffsnotes AP English Literature Flashcards by Wasowski, Richard P. ISBN: 9780470270103 List Price: $19.99
Erotic Subjects: The Sexuality of Politics in Early Modern English Literature by Sanchez, Melissa E. ISBN: 9780199754755 List Price: $74.00
Voice of the Hammer The Meaning of Work in Middle English Literature by Masciandaro, Nicola ISBN: 9780268034986 List Price: $25.00
English Language and Literature for the IB Diploma by Philpot, Brad ISBN: 9781107400344 List Price: $42.00
Cambridge History of English Romantic Literature by Chandler, James ISBN: 9781107629196 List Price: $45.00
Woman as Hero in Old English Literature - Jane Chance - Paperback by Chance, Jane ISBN: 9781597522601 List Price: $21.00
Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature by Wallace, David ISBN: 9780521890465 List Price: $72.00
Translator in the Text On Reading Russian Literature in English by May, Rachel ISBN: 9780810111585 List Price: $19.95
Science and Religion in the English-Speaking World, 1600-1727 A Bibliographic Guide to the S... by Brooks, Richard S., Himrod,... ISBN: 9780810840119 List Price: $112.00
Introduction to the Old English Language and Its Literature by Pollington, Stephen ISBN: 9781898281061 List Price: $8.95
A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature by David L. Jeffrey ISBN: 9780802864550 List Price: $85.00
Mastering English Literature by Gill, Richard ISBN: 9781403944887 List Price: $25.95
Currents in Literature, American Volume: Integrated English Language Arts by Harold Levine, Norman Levin... ISBN: 9781567651447 List Price: $21.25
Kaplan AP English Literature and Composition 2014 by Pivarnik-Nova, Denise ISBN: 9781618652508
Transgressing Boundaries: Gender, Identity, Culture, and the 'Other' in Postcolonial Women's... by Elizabeth F. Oldfield ISBN: 9789042036970 List Price: $83.70
Kaplan AP English Literature and Composition 2013-2014 by Pivarnik-Nova, Denise ISBN: 9781609786892
Edinburgh Introduction to Studying English Literature by Cavanagh, Dermot, Gillis, A... ISBN: 9780748691326
Fast Track to A 5 : Preparing for the AP English Literature and Composition Examination by Greiner, Angelia C., Nichol... ISBN: 9781285462356 List Price: $46.95
Politics and Literature in the Age of Swift: English and Irish Perspectives by Rawson, Claude ISBN: 9780521190152 List Price: $95.00
Reading Middle English Literature by Turville-Petre, Thorlac ISBN: 9780631231714 List Price: $99.95
Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Major Authors by Abrams, M. H., Greenblatt, ... ISBN: 9780393961508 List Price: $44.00
Inquiry-Based English Instruction Engaging Students in Life and Literature by Beach, Richard, Myers, Jamie ISBN: 9780807741023 List Price: $24.95
Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English by Moses, Daniel D., Goldie, T... ISBN: 9780195412826 List Price: $45.00
Medieval English Literature by Trapp, J. B. ISBN: 9780195016246 List Price: $34.95
Middle English Literature A Historical Sourcebook by Goldie, Matthew Boyd ISBN: 9780631231479 List Price: $132.95
Hunting in Middle English Literature by Rooney, Anne ISBN: 9780859913799 List Price: $75.00
The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Literature in English (Oxford Handbooks in Literature) by Treharne, Elaine, Walker, Greg ISBN: 9780199229123 List Price: $150.00
Concise Companion to English Renaissance Literature by Hamilton, Donna, Bradshaw, ... ISBN: 9781405113571 List Price: $110.95
Cultural History of Medieval English Literature, 1066-1534 by Cannon, Christopher ISBN: 9780745624419 List Price: $25.95
Renaissance And Reformations An Introduction to Early Modern English Literature by Hattaway, Michael ISBN: 9781405100441 List Price: $104.95
Showing 351 - 400 of 24742 - Browse More Literature Textbook Rentals
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