Rent Engineering Textbooks

All of the machines, buildings, and systems that make your life easier and less prone to potential disaster have something in common: an engineer that designed them. Engineers aren't just good with machines. They understand them from the inside out. In many cases, they designed them from the inside out, and built them as well. They are the world's problem solvers. When you rent engineering textbooks, you take the first step towards joining their ranks. These text books teach the science and the art of effective, elegant engineering solutions. Engineering textbooks are available in a wide variety of fields, from industrial engineering to software engineering or nanotechnology. When you rent textbooks, in engineering or another subject, you gain access to the knowledge these books contain without having to deal with getting rid of the book in the future. Simply return the book, and keep the wisdom in its pages for yourself. Textbook rental is such a smart idea; an engineer must have come up with it.

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Results 51 - 100 of 22,437 Engineering Textbook Rentals
Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials by Isaac M. Daniel, Ori Ishai,... ISBN: 9780195150971 List Price: $122.95
Engineering Mechanics: Statics by Hibbeler, Russell C. ISBN: 9780136077909 List Price: $167.00
Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics by Michael Plesha, Gary Gray, ... ISBN: 9780073380315
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics + ConnectPlus Access Card by Ferdinand Beer, Jr., E. Rus... ISBN: 9780077889708
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design by Nisbett, J. Keith, Budynas,... ISBN: 9780073312606 List Price: $175.39
Turbulence (McGraw-Hill series in mechanical engineering) by J. O. Hinze ISBN: 9780070290372 List Price: $147.70
Applied Quantum Mechanics for Optics and Engineering- by Abouraddy ISBN: 9781118255841 List Price: $145.00
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design by Budynas, Richard, Nisbett, ... ISBN: 9780073121932 List Price: $188.55
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics by Russell C. Hibbeler ISBN: 9780133915389 List Price: $223.00
Engineering Mechanics Statics by Meriam, J. L., Kraige, L. G. ISBN: 9780471739326 List Price: $87.95
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics by Ferdinand Beer, Jr., E. Rus... ISBN: 9780077275563 List Price: $213.38
Study Pack for Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics by Russell C. Hibbeler ISBN: 9780134056395 List Price: $47.60
Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers by Avallone, Eugene A., Baumei... ISBN: 9780071428675 List Price: $199.95
Mechanics for Engineers, Statics by Beer, Ferdinand P., Johnsto... ISBN: 9780072464788 List Price: $170.50
Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers by Miller, David A. B. ISBN: 9780521897839 List Price: $90.00
Engineering Mechanics Dynamics by Meriam, J. L., Kraige, L. G. ISBN: 9780471739319 List Price: $76.02
Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics by Russell C. Hibbeler ISBN: 9780133915426 List Price: $285.80
Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers by De Nevers, Noel ISBN: 9780072976762 List Price: $152.75
Applied Fluid Mechanics for Engineers by Meinhard Schobeiri ISBN: 9780071800044 List Price: $125.00
Mechanical Engineering Design by Joseph Shigley, Charles Mis... ISBN: 9780072832099 List Price: $128.75
Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations by Hicks, Tyler Gregory ISBN: 9780071458863 List Price: $150.00
Engineering Mechanics: Statics-Statics Study Pack by Hibbeler, Russell C. ISBN: 9780132215015 List Price: $42.00
Study Pack for Engineering Mechanics: Statics by Russell C. Hibbeler ISBN: 9780132915564 List Price: $45.20
Engineering Mechanics: Combined Statics & Dynamics by Hibbeler, Russell C. ISBN: 9780138149291 List Price: $198.00
Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice by Terzaghi, Karl, Peck, Ralph... ISBN: 9780471086581 List Price: $175.00
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics by Beer, Ferdinand, Johnston, ... ISBN: 9780077275556 List Price: $202.50
Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers With Microfluidics and CFD by Wilkes, James O., Birmingha... ISBN: 9780131482128 List Price: $144.00
Engineering Mechanics by Pytel, Andrew, Kiusalaas, Jaan ISBN: 9780495295617 List Price: $166.95
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics (12th Edition) by Hibbeler, Russell C., Russe... ISBN: 9780136077916 List Price: $167.00
Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials by Hertzberg, Richard W. ISBN: 9780471012146 List Price: $194.95
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics by Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russe... ISBN: 9780077687342
Biofluid Mechanics: An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Macrocirculation, and Microcirculati... by Rubenstein, David, Frame, M... ISBN: 9780123813831 List Price: $119.95
Computer-aided Production Engineering CAPE 2000 by American Society of Mechani... ISBN: 9781860582639 List Price: $600.00
Engineering Mechanics: Statics 7th Edition by Meriam ISBN: 9781119939245
Schaum's Outline of Engineering Mechanics: Statics (Schaum's Outline Series) by Nelson, E. W., Best, Charle... ISBN: 9780071632379 List Price: $22.00
Engineering Mechanics: Statics + ConnectPlus Access Card for Statics by Michael Plesha, Gary Gray, ... ISBN: 9780077891138
Engineering Fluid Mechanics by Crowe, Clayton T., Williams... ISBN: 9780470259771 List Price: $201.95
Engineering Mechanics Statics Computational Edition by Soutas-Little, Robert W., I... ISBN: 9780534549213 List Price: $118.75
Water Wave Mechanics for Engineers & Scientists by Dean, Robert G., Dalrymple,... ISBN: 9789810204211 List Price: $41.00
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