Rent Computer Science Textbooks

A lot of well-meaning people will tell anyone who is handy with a computer that they should get into computer science as a career. These people think that any job dealing with computers is a computer science job. Computer science is about the study of how information is stored, analyzed, and used to solve problems. Some of it is practical, some of it is theoretical, and a lot of seems like magic at first. You can rent computer science textbooks in a number of fields such as computation theory, information science, artificial intelligence, and a number of other subjects that always threaten to destroy humanity in science fiction movies. Textbook rental is a convenient, affordable option to buying text books, especially in technical fields where today's groundbreaking doodad is obsolete in a year. When you rent textbooks, you keep them for the duration of the class and then return them, instead of hoping that your bookstore will buy them back. Whether you're planning to focus on computer security, computer graphics, or evil computers bent on world domination, computer science textbooks will bring you the knowledge you need to succeed.

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Results 301 - 350 of 6,272 Computer Science Textbook Rentals
Programming the IBM Personal Computer by Unknown ISBN: 9780030595639
Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Tran... by Noble, James, Johnson, Ralph ISBN: 9783642108310 List Price: $98.00
Database Programming Languages (DBPL-4): Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on... by Beeri, Catriel, Ohori, Atsu... ISBN: 9783540198536 List Price: $93.95
Programming the IBM Personal Computer: Ucsd Pascal by Pollack, Seymour V. ISBN: 9780030636691 List Price: $17.00
Understanding and Programming Computers (An Exposition-University book) by Mourad, Samiha ISBN: 9780682490337 List Price: $15.00
Flow Analysis of Computer Programs (Programming Languages Ser. Volume5) by Hecht, Matthew S. ISBN: 9780444002105 List Price: $34.00
Functional Programming, Glasgow 1993: Proceedings of the 1993 Glasgow Workshop on Functional... by O'Donnell, J.T., Hammond, K. ISBN: 9783540198796 List Price: $74.95
Autonomic and Trusted Computing: 6th International Conference, ATC 2009 Brisbane, Australia,... by González Nieto, Juan, Wang,... ISBN: 9783642027031 List Price: $69.95
Software Composition: 8th International Conference, SC 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2-3, ... by Bergel, Alexandre, Fabry, J... ISBN: 9783642026546 List Price: $64.95
Logic Programming: 25th International Conference, ICLP 2009, Pasadena, CA, USA, July 14-17, ... by Hill, Patricia M., Warren, ... ISBN: 9783642028458 List Price: $105.00
Automata, Languages and Programming: 36th International Colloquium, ICALP 2009, Rhodes, Gree... by Albers, Susanne, Marchetti-... ISBN: 9783642029295 List Price: $109.00
Verification of Sequential and Concurrent Programs (Texts in Computer Science) by Apt, Krzysztof R., Boer, Fr... ISBN: 9781848827448 List Price: $89.95
Object-Oriented Programming With Simula (International Computer Science Series) by Kirkerud, Bjorn ISBN: 9780201175745 List Price: $41.00
Robotbasic Projects For Beginners: Learn To Program Through An Exploration Of Computer Graph... by Blankenship, John, Mishal, ... ISBN: 9781438233437 List Price: $14.95
Computer programming, 1, 2, 3!: For children and adults by Harris, Dwight P., Harris, ... ISBN: 9780448189611 List Price: $4.95
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VII (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation) by Riolo, Rick, O'Reilly, Una-... ISBN: 9781441916259 List Price: $99.00
Database Programming Languages: 12th International Symposium, DBPL 2009, Lyon, France, Augus... by Gardner, Philippa, Geerts, ... ISBN: 9783642037924 List Price: $64.95
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 28th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2009, Ha... by Buth, Bettina, Rabe, Gerd, ... ISBN: 9783642044670 List Price: $83.00
HCI and Usability for e-Inclusion: 5th Symposium of the Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction... by Holzinger, Andreas, Miesenb... ISBN: 9783642103070 List Price: $107.00
FM 2009: Formal Methods: Second World Congress, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 2-6, 20... by Cavalcanti, Ana, Dams, Dennis ISBN: 9783642050886 List Price: $143.00
DNA Computing and Molecular Programming: 15th International Meeting on DNA Computing, DNA 15... by Deaton, Russell, Suyama, Akira ISBN: 9783642106033 List Price: $72.00
Cooperative and Noncooperative Multi-Level Programming (Operations Research/Computer Science... by Sakawa, Masatoshi, Nishizak... ISBN: 9781441906755 List Price: $160.00
Online Programming Languages and Assemblers (Computing That Works) by Birnes, William J. ISBN: 9780070053953 List Price: $32.95
Computer Aided Chemical Thermodynamics of Gases and Liquids: Theory Models and Programs by Benedek, Paul, Olti, Francis ISBN: 9780471878254 List Price: $150.00
The Magic School Bus Gets Programmed: A Book About Computers by Nancy White ISBN: 9780606172912 List Price: $11.95
Computers and programming guide for engineers, by Spencer, Donald D. ISBN: 9780672209505
Programming the IBM Personal Computer: Basic by Neill Graham ISBN: 9780030636677
Introduction to Computers and Programming - Jessica Hellwig - Hardcover by Hellwig, Jessica ISBN: 9780231032636 List Price: $32.50
Peterson's Computer Science & Electrical Engineering Programs by Unknown ISBN: 9780768901474 List Price: $26.95
Programmer's Craft: Program Construction, Computer Architecture, and Data Management - Richa... by Weiland, Richard J., Bauer,... ISBN: 9780835956451 List Price: $27.67
Computer Organization and Programming - C. William Gear - Hardcover - 4th ed by Gear, C. William ISBN: 9780070230491 List Price: $43.94
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