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Peripheral Nerve Blocks Principles and Practice ; New York School of Regional Anesthesia by Hadzic, Admir, Vloka, Jerry ISBN: 9780071409186 List Price: $120.00
New York Civil Litigation: Process and Procedures (2nd Edition) by Goldman, Thomas F., Hughes,... ISBN: 9780132374590 List Price: $120.00
Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton ISBN: 9781250038821 List Price: $29.99
Mexican New York Transnational Lives Of New Immigrants by Smith, Robert Courtney ISBN: 9780520244139 List Price: $26.95
Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, Second Edition (Critical America (New York University... by Richard Delgado, Jean Stefa... ISBN: 9780814721353 List Price: $20.00
How the Other Half Lives Studies Among the Tenements of New York by Riis, Jacob A., Sante, Luc,... ISBN: 9780140436792 List Price: $15.00
Appetite City : A Culinary History of New York by Grimes, William ISBN: 9780374532499
New York Trilogy City Of Glass, Ghosts, The Locked Room by Auster, Paul, Sante, Luc, S... ISBN: 9780143039839 List Price: $16.00
Money Has No Smell: The Africanization of New York City by Paul Stoller ISBN: 9780226775302 List Price: $25.00
Patriots, Loyalists, and Revolution in New York City, 1775-1776 by Offutt, William ISBN: 9780205785797 List Price: $24.60
Contemporary Readings in Psychology A New York Times Reader by Coats, Erik J. ISBN: 9780139775130 List Price: $38.80
Police Officer-New York Police Dept. by National Learning Corporation ISBN: 9780837317397 List Price: $27.95
Mysterious Death of Mary Rogers Sex and Culture in Nineteenth-Century New York by Srebnick, Amy G. ISBN: 9780195113921 List Price: $24.95
Empire City New York Through the Centuries by Jackson, Kenneth T., Dunbar... ISBN: 9780231109093 List Price: $29.95
Uncommon Soldier The Civil War Letters of Sarah Rosetta Wakeman, Alias Private Lyons Wakeman... by Burgess, Lauren C., McPhers... ISBN: 9780195102437 List Price: $14.95
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