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The best way to predict the future is to invent it!: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary A... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673854657 List Price: $7.99
Some people dream of succes while others wake up and work hard for it: Funny and intelligent... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673854619 List Price: $7.99
A rotten apple spoils the barrel: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And Journal for ever... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673854558 List Price: $7.99
Don't always do what you're told to do: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And Journal fo... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673860856 List Price: $7.99
You can't judge a book by its cover: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And Journal for e... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673860818 List Price: $7.99
Failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success: Funny and intelligent Noteboo... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673860542 List Price: $7.99
If you can dream it, you can do it blue Edition: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And J... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673859515 List Price: $7.99
Don't wait for opportunity. Create it: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And Journal for... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673859287 List Price: $7.99
Knowledge is power: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And Journal for everybody with 12... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673859201 List Price: $7.99
Live life like today is your last day: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And Journal for... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673859188 List Price: $7.99
The harder you work the luckier you get: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And Journal f... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673859058 List Price: $7.99
A watched pot never boils: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And Journal for everybody ... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673859089 List Price: $7.99
Nothing is impossible the word itself says I'm possible: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Dia... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673858884 List Price: $7.99
Grow from the inside: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And Journal for everybody with ... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673858624 List Price: $7.99
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink: Funny and intelligent Notebook,... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673858693 List Price: $7.99
Do what is right not what is easy: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And Journal for eve... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673858617 List Price: $7.99
Failure defeats losers - failures inspires winners: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary An... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673858327 List Price: $7.99
If you can dream it, you can do it red Edition: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And Jo... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673863444 List Price: $7.99
Don't wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect blue pink Edition: Fu... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673863260 List Price: $7.99
The pain you feel today is the strenght you feel tomorrow: Funny and intelligent Notebook, D... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673863154 List Price: $7.99
You don't have to reinvent the wheel: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And Journal for ... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673863031 List Price: $7.99
If you can dream it, you can do it green Edition: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And ... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673861631 List Price: $7.99
Laughter is the best medicine: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And Journal for everybo... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673861518 List Price: $7.99
Don't wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect blue green Edition: F... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673861365 List Price: $7.99
One Father is more than a hundred schoolmasters: Funny and intelligent Notebook, Diary And J... by Willys Wisdom Notebooks ISBN: 9781673860993 List Price: $7.99
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