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George Davidson by Grinnell, Joseph, Van Denbu... ISBN: 9781145547018 List Price: $24.75
Greatest Short Stories : Irving / Rip Van Winkle by Anonymous, Anonymous ISBN: 9781145544369 List Price: $33.75
Treatise of Walter de Milemete de Nobilitatibus, Sapientiis, et Prudentiis Regum, Reproduced... by Milemete, Walter De, James,... ISBN: 9781145592186 List Price: $28.75
Art for Art's Sake : Seven university lectures on the technical beauties of Painting by Van Dyke, John Charles ISBN: 9781145594005 List Price: $30.75
Report of the Board of Arbitration in the Matter of the Controversy Between the Eastern Rail... by Board Of Arbitration In The... ISBN: 9781145592933 List Price: $21.75
Gospel for an Age of Doubt; the Yale Lectures on Preaching, 1866; by Van Dyke, Henry ISBN: 9781145625846 List Price: $37.75
History with a Match, Being an Account of the Earliest Navigators and the Discovery of America; by Van Loon, Hendrik Willem ISBN: 9781145639720 List Price: $20.75
Dutch in the Arctic Seas by Van Campen, Samuel Richard ISBN: 9781145639614 List Price: $32.75
Diary : And reminiscences portraying the life and times of the Author by Lawrence, William Van Duzer ISBN: 9781145639867 List Price: $26.75
Gospel for a World of Sin by Van Dyke, Henry ISBN: 9781145636729 List Price: $24.75
Gospel for a World of Sin : A companion-volume to the gospel for an age of Doubt by Van Dyke, Henry ISBN: 9781145636873 List Price: $24.75
Catalogue of Poetry in the English Language, in the Grosvenor Library, Buffalo, N Y by Grosvenor Library, Van Duze... ISBN: 9781145645998 List Price: $20.75
Gutenberg : Was he the inventor of printing? an historical investigation embodying a critici... by Hessels, Jan Hendrik ISBN: 9781145642928 List Price: $26.75
History of the Presbyterian Church in Americ : From its origin until the Year 1760 by Webster, Richard, Van Renss... ISBN: 9781145642287 List Price: $51.75
Calendar of the Papers of Martin Van Buren, Prepared from the Original Manuscripts in the Li... by Library Of Congress. Manusc... ISBN: 9781145644113 List Price: $53.75
My Friends at Brook Farm by Sears, John Van Der Zee ISBN: 9781145644328 List Price: $24.75
De Kruidtuin Van's Rijks Hoogere Bergerschool Te Middelburg : Systematische Lijst Van Plante... by Hall, Herman Christiaan ISBN: 9781145655478 List Price: $34.75
Discussion of Composition, Especially As Applied to Architecture by Van Pelt, John Vredenburgh ISBN: 9781145651401 List Price: $29.75
Historical Sketches of the Romer, Van Tassel and Allied Families, and Tales of the Neutral G... by Romer, John Lockwood ISBN: 9781145647398 List Price: $24.75
Devil's Picture-Books a History of Playing Cards by Van Rensselaer, John King ISBN: 9781145812116 List Price: $27.75
Poems by Van Rensselaer, Schuyler ISBN: 9781145821101 List Price: $21.75
Suggestive Commentary on the New Testament St Luke by W H Van Doren [6 by Van Doren, William Howard ISBN: 9781145809840 List Price: $43.75
Vom Neuen Stil by Van De Velde, Henry ISBN: 9781145833968 List Price: $19.75
New Reformation; a Lay Sermon by Prognostic, Prognostic, Van... ISBN: 9781145850569 List Price: $17.75
Labor and Porcelain in Japan by Van Buren, Thomas B. ISBN: 9781145844032 List Price: $18.75
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