Use of Multivariate Techniques to Validate and Improve the Current Usaf Pilot Candidate Sele...
by Keener, Ross A.
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List Price: $49.00
Doing It All : Security Forces -- the Usaf Coin Force?
by Gooding, Aeneas R.
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Wild Blue Yonder in a Purple World : Improving Usaf Interaction with the Joint Warfighting C...
by McCraw, Samuel J.
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Civilian Reserve Air Fleet : Should the Usaf Use It Routinely?
by Harris, Jerry D.
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Air Power Training in the Usaf : Realistic and Joint
by Davee, John T.
ISBN: 9781249839385
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Chinese Defense Modernization and the Defense of Taiwan: Implications for the USAF
by Jerry D. Harris
ISBN: 9781286862995
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USAF Relevance in the 21st Century: A First Quarter Team in a Four Quarter Game
by Andrew S. Kovich
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Airborne Forcible Entry Operations: USAF Airlift Requirements
by Rowayne A. Schatz
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War Too Long: the History of the USAF in South East Asia 1961-1975
by Schlight, John
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One Hundred Yearsof Flight: USAF Chronology of Significant Air and Space Events1903-2002 : A...
by Haulman, Daniel, Air Force,...
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Airpower and the Airlift Evacuation of Kham Duc : USAF Southeast Asia Monograph Series Volum...
by Gropman, Alan
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Air Power and the 1972 Spring Invasion : USAF South East Asia Mongraph Series, Volume II, Mo...
by Lavalle, A. J. C
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USAF Scientific Advisory Board: Its First Twenty Years
by Sturm, Thomas, History, Off...
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That Others May Live: USAF Air Rescue in Korea
by Marion, Forrest, History Pr...
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USAF in Korea: Campaigns, Units and Stations 1950-1953
by Endicott, Judy, Museums Pro...
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Silver Wings, Golden Valor: the USAF Remembers Korea
by Hallion, Richard, Museums P...
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Search and Rescue in Southeast Asia : USAF in Southeast Asia
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Technology and Military Doctrine: Essays on a Challenging Relationship
by Holley, Jr., , USAF, Retir...
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HONTO! II - The Pictorial History of the USAF Security Service at Misawa, Japan
by T. Wayne Babb
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Usaf Plans and Policies in South Vietnam, 1961-1963
by Van Staaveren, Jacob, Rosen...
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Air Force and the National Guided Missile Program 1944-1950
by Rosenberg, Max, Angell, Jos...
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Paradigm Lost: Rethinking Theater Airlift to Support the Army after Next : CADRE Paper No. 9
by Allvin, Lieutenant , USAF, ...
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Better Blitzkrieg: a Comparison of Tactical Airpower Use by Guderian and Patton : Wright Fly...
by O'Reilly, , USAF, USAF, Ai...
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Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicles: Airpower by the People, for the People, but Not with the...
by Clark, Lt. , USAF, USAF, R...
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Designing Bare Base Systems for Logistics Efficiency in the Joint Operational Environment : ...
by Trautmann, Jr., , USAF, Ma...
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