Showing 51 - 75 of 669 Results
Primaria Quaedam Documenta De Origine Typographiae (1740) (Latin Edition) by Schwarz, Christian Gottlieb ISBN: 9781104894085 List Price: $19.95
Memoria Dos Trabalhos Da Commissao Para O Melhoramento Do Commercio Nesta Cidade De Lisboa (... by Typographia Rollandiana Pub... ISBN: 9781160556019 List Price: $41.95
Index Librorum Ab Inventa Typographia Ad Annum 1500: Chronologic Dispositus Cum Notis Histor... by Laire, Franois Xavier, Lair... ISBN: 9781145717862 List Price: $36.75
Joh. Bernardi De-Rossi ...: De Typographia Hebraeo-Ferrariensi Commentarius Historicus Quo F... by De Rossi, Giovanni Bernardo ISBN: 9781147760002 List Price: $20.75
Index Librorum Ab Inventa Typographia Ad Annum 1500: Chronologic Dispositus Cum Notis Histor... by Laire, Franois Xavier, Lair... ISBN: 9781147961546 List Price: $37.75
Juntarum Typographiae Annales by Bandini, Angelo M. ISBN: 9780576723497 List Price: $142.00
Jornal De Sciecias Mathematcas Physiaas E Naturaes (Portuguese Edition) by Anonymous, Typographia Da A... ISBN: 9781140339748 List Price: $27.75
Memoria Dos Trabalhos Da Commissao Para O Melhoramento Do Commercio Nesta Cidade De Lisboa (... by Typographia Rollandiana Pub... ISBN: 9781160190862 List Price: $26.95
Typographia An Historical Sketch of the Origin And Progress of the Art of Printing by Hansard, Thomas Carson ISBN: 9781843713654 List Price: $340.00
Biblia Sacra vulgatae editionis juxta exemplaria, ex typographia apostolica Vaticana, Romae ... by Loch Valentin 1813-1893 ISBN: 9781172721528 List Price: $47.75
Summa Theologica (Italian Edition) by Aquinas, Thomas, Ex Typogra... ISBN: 9781140469995 List Price: $47.75
Documentos Para A Historia Da Typographia Portugueza Nos Seculos XVI E XVII (1881) by Imprensa Nacional Publisher ISBN: 9781160578516 List Price: $42.95
A Reorganisacao Do Banco De Portugal (1877) by Typographia Occidental Publ... ISBN: 9781160279307 List Price: $16.95
Documentos Para A Historia Da Typographia Portugueza Nos Seculos XVI E XVII (1881) by Imprensa Nacional Publisher ISBN: 9781160082488 List Price: $27.95
Reorganisacao Do Banco de Portugal by Typographia Occidental Publ... ISBN: 9781168766151 List Price: $25.56
Discursos E Poesias Funebres : Recitados A 27 de Novembro de 1822 Em Sessao Extraordinaria D... by Typographia De G. M. Martin... ISBN: 9781168819369 List Price: $25.56
Correspondencia Trocada Entre O Governo Imperial E O Da Republica Argentin : Relativa Aos Tr... by Typographia Nacional Publisher ISBN: 9781168900517 List Price: $25.56
De Hebraicae Typographiae Origine Ac Primitiis : Seu Antiquis Ac Rarissimis Hebraicorum Libr... by Rossi, Giovanni Bernardo De ISBN: 9781169244894 List Price: $27.96
Primaria Quaedam Documenta de Origine Typographiae by Schwarz, Christian Gottlieb ISBN: 9781169244917 List Price: $27.96
Annales Typographiae Augustanae Ab Ejus Origine 1466 Usque Ad Annum 1530 by Zapf, Georg Wilhelm ISBN: 9781169733886 List Price: $31.96
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