Showing 76 - 100 of 101 Results
The True Church of England-man's Companion in the Closet by Spinckes Nathaniel ISBN: 9780526796106 List Price: $25.95
The Case Stated, Between the Church of Rome and the Church of England [microform]. Wherein i... by Charles Leslie, N. Spinckes ISBN: 9780530460710 List Price: $23.95
Of Trust in God : Or, a Discourse Concerning the Duty of Casting Our Care upon God in All Ou... by Spinckes, Nathaniel, John A... ISBN: 9781378108994 List Price: $17.95
No Sufficient Reason for Restoring the Prayers and Directions of King Edward the Sixth's Fir... by Spinckes, Nathaniel, Collie... ISBN: 9781379156765 List Price: $12.95
The Article of the Romish Transubstantiation, Inquired Into, and Disproved, from Sense, Scri... by Spinckes, Nathaniel, Nathan... ISBN: 9781379307242 List Price: $23.95
The Case Truly Stated; Wherein the Case Restated Is Fully Consider'd. by a Member of the Chu... by Spinckes, Nathaniel, Nathan... ISBN: 9781379300229 List Price: $22.95
No Reason for Restoring the Prayers and Directions of Edward VI's First Liturgy. by a Nonjuror by Spinckes, Nathaniel, Nathan... ISBN: 9781379373711 List Price: $21.95
No Sufficient Reason for Restoring the Prayers and Directions of King Edward the Sixth's Fir... by Spinckes, Nathaniel, Nathan... ISBN: 9781379830481 List Price: $22.95
The Life of the R. Reverend Mr. Nathanael Spinckes. by the Reverend Mr. John Blackbourne, M.a by Blackbourne, John, John Bla... ISBN: 9781385324141 List Price: $21.95
The Sick Man Visited: And Furnish'd with Instructions, Meditations, and Prayers, Suitable to... by Spinckes, Nathaniel, Nathan... ISBN: 9781385634776 List Price: $28.95
The New Pretenders to Prophecy Re-Examined: And Their Pretences Shewn Again to Be Groundless... by Spinckes, Nathaniel, Nathan... ISBN: 9781385634981 List Price: $21.95
The True Church of England-man's companion in the closet by Spinckes, Nathaniel, Mr. Na... ISBN: 9780649288519 List Price: $13.56
The Sick Man Visited; And Furnished with Instructions, Meditations, and Prayers, for Putting... by Spinckes, Nathaniel, Nathan... ISBN: 9781385651292 List Price: $29.95
The Essay Towards a Proposal for Catholick Communion, &c. Lately Publish'd by a Minister of ... by Spinckes, Nathaniel, Nathan... ISBN: 9781385685617 List Price: $26.95
Case Stated, Between the Church of Rome and the Church of England : Wherein Is Shewed, That ... by Leslie, Charles 1650-1722, ... ISBN: 9781360555164 List Price: $29.95
The Sick Man Visited: And Furnish'd with Instructions, Meditations, and Prayers, for Putting... by Spinckes, Nathaniel, Nathan... ISBN: 9781385574263 List Price: $29.95
The True Church of England-man's Companion in the Closet by Nathaniel, Spinckes ISBN: 9781020894237
The True Church of England-man's Companion in the Closet by Nathaniel, Spinckes ISBN: 9781022138032
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