Showing 1 - 25 of 215 Results
Davenport-Schinzel Sequences and Their Geometric Applications by Sharir, Micha, Agarwal, Pan... ISBN: 9780521470254 List Price: $110.00
Complexity of Many Cells in Arrangements of Planes and Related Problems by Edelsbrunner, Herbert, Guib... ISBN: 9781175663955 List Price: $14.75
Algorithmic Motion Planning in Robotics by Sharir, Micha ISBN: 9781175691910 List Price: $15.75
Coordinated Motion Planning for Two Independent Robots by Sharir, Micha, Sifrony, S. ISBN: 9781175764355 List Price: $15.75
Computing the Geodesic Center of a Simple Polygon by Pollack, Richard, Sharir, M. ISBN: 9781175744715 List Price: $14.75
Design for Optimizations of the Bitvectoring Class by J T Schwartz and M Sharir by Schwartz, Jacob T. ISBN: 9781175967428 List Price: $19.75
Efficient Motion Planning for an L-Shaped Object by Halperin, D., Overmars, M. ... ISBN: 9781178483857 List Price: $15.75
Efficient Motion Planning Algorithm for a Convex Polygonal Object in 2-Dimensional Polygonal... by Kedem, K., Sharir, M. ISBN: 9781178483512 List Price: $15.75
Some remarks on robot vision by Jacob T Schwartz, Micha Sharir ISBN: 9781179414102 List Price: $15.75
Motion Planning and Related Geometric Algorithms in Robotics by Schwartz, Jacob T., Sharir, M. ISBN: 9781179577555 List Price: $15.75
Separating two simple polygons by a sequence of translations by S Sifrony, M Sharir, Richar... ISBN: 9781179611327 List Price: $15.75
On the 'Piano Movers' Problem II General Techniques for Computing Topological Properties of ... by Schwartz, Jacob T., Sharir,... ISBN: 9781179791982 List Price: $17.75
On the Piano Movers' Problem : IV. Various decomposable two-dimensional motion planning Prob... by Sharir, Micha, Ariel-Sheffi... ISBN: 9781179791487 List Price: $14.75
On the Number of Critical Free Contacts of a Convex Polygonal Object Moving in 2-D Polygonal... by Leven, D., Sharir, M. ISBN: 9781179790985 List Price: $15.75
On the general motion planning problem with two degrees of freedom by Leonidas J Guibas, Micha Sh... ISBN: 9781179789668 List Price: $15.75
Planning a Purely Translational Motion for a Convex Object in Two-Dimensional Space Using Ge... by Leven, D., Sharir, Micha ISBN: 9781179983226 List Price: $15.75
Sharir Aur Tantra by OSHO ISBN: 9788121620819
Combinatorial Geometry and Its Algorithmic Applications (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs) by Janos Pach and Micha Sharir ISBN: 9780821846919 List Price: $77.00
A Design for Optimizations of the Bitvectoring Class. by J.t. Schwartz and M. Sharir by Schwartz, Jacob T. ISBN: 9781153467001 List Price: $20.00
Davenport-Schinzel Sequences and their Geometric Applications by Sharir, Micha, Agarwal, Pan... ISBN: 9780521135115 List Price: $52.00
David Sharir: Celebrations: Sacred and Secular by Sharir, David, Troope, Stev... ISBN: 9781879985001 List Price: $35.00
Red-Blue Intersection Detection Algorithms, with Applications to Motion Planning and Collisi... by Pankaj, Agarwal, Micha, Sharir ISBN: 9781172530557 List Price: $15.75
Kis bimari mein kya khaye aur kya na Khaye : Yadi aahar par samuchit dhyan diya jaye to na k... by Gangrade, Prakash Chandra ISBN: 9789381448731 List Price: $4.00
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