Showing 1 - 25 of 422 Results
HR from the Heart: Inspiring Stories and Strategies for Building the People Side of Great Bu... by Libby Sartain, Martha I. Fi... ISBN: 9780814407561 List Price: $24.95
On Staffing Advice and Perspectives from Hr Leaders by Burkholder, Nicholas C., Ed... ISBN: 9780471410690 List Price: $85.00
Strengthen Your Brothers: Letters of Encouragement from an Archbishop to His Priests by J. Peter Sartain, Foreword ... ISBN: 9780814634271 List Price: $19.95
Coaching Essentials: Practical, proven techniques for world-class executive coaching by Patricia Bossons, Denis Sar... ISBN: 9781408157206 List Price: $25.95
Brand from the Inside Eight Essentials to Emotionally Connect Your Employees to Your Business by Sartain, Libby, Schumann, Mark ISBN: 9780787981891 List Price: $29.95
Brand for Talent: Eight Essentials to Make Your Talent as Famous as Your Brand by Sartain, Libby, Schumann, M... ISBN: 9780470182680 List Price: $29.95
Long Is the Way and Hard: One Hundred Years of the NAACP by Verney, Kevern, Sartain, Le... ISBN: 9781557289094 List Price: $29.95
The Gem of the Season: with twenty plates by Sartain. Edited by J. H. Agnew. by Agnew, John Holmes, Sartain... ISBN: 9781241107307 List Price: $19.75
Hell Fer Sartain and Other Stories by Fox, John ISBN: 9781406578652 List Price: $10.99
The Life, Travels and Adventures of F. de Soto, discoverer of the Mississippi ... Steel engr... by Lambert A. Wilmer, John Wil... ISBN: 9781241337551 List Price: $42.75
Hell Fer Sartain and Other Stories by Fox Jr., John ISBN: 9781169195905 List Price: $24.76
Hell Fer Sartain and Other Stories by Fox, John ISBN: 9781171822868 List Price: $20.75
On the Antique Painting in Encaustic of Cleopatra, Discovered In 1818 by Sartain, John, Ridolfi, Cos... ISBN: 9781171864011 List Price: $17.75
Cross and Crown : Or the Sufferings and Triumphs of the Heroic Men and Women Who Were Persec... by McCabe, James Dabney Jr., M... ISBN: 9781166546731 List Price: $51.16
Christmas Eve on Lonesome; Hell-Fer-Sartain and Other Stories by Fox, John, Fox Jr., John ISBN: 9781164305934 List Price: $34.36
Rowe v. Sartain U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pleadings by JOHN TOMERLIN, C B AMES ISBN: 9781270150701 List Price: $33.99
Snow Flake : A Holiday Gift, for Mdcccl by Sartain, John ISBN: 9781275805033 List Price: $30.75
Borders of Equality : The NAACP and the Baltimore Civil Rights Struggle, 1914-1970 by Sartain, Lee ISBN: 9781617037511 List Price: $55.00
Sartain's Union Magazine of Literature and Art by Unknown ISBN: 9781277333442 List Price: $62.75
Friendly Fridge by Sartain, Sally ISBN: 9781612044972 List Price: $20.00
Hell Fer Sartain and Other Stories by John Fox, John ISBN: 9781492924340 List Price: $6.99
Sartain's Union Magazine of Literature and Art by Anonymous ISBN: 9781175780492 List Price: $60.75
Sacred Science of Yoga and the Five Koshas by Sartain, Christopher ISBN: 9781481884495 List Price: $7.00
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