Showing 51 - 75 of 143 Results
Chronicle of William de Rishanger, of the Baron'swars the Miracles of Simon de Montfort by Britain), Camden Society (G... ISBN: 9781290183444 List Price: $23.95
Matthew Paris's English History : From the Year 1235 to 1273, Volume 2... by Paris, Matthew, Rishanger, ... ISBN: 9781271097067 List Price: $42.75
Matthew Paris's English History: From the Year 1235 to 1273, Volume 3... by Matthew Paris, William Rish... ISBN: 9781273201691 List Price: $40.75
Chronica Monasterii S. Albani: Willelmi Rishanger, Quondam Monachi S. Albani, Et Quorundam A... by Willelmus Rishanger, Riley ISBN: 9781248270301 List Price: $46.75
Chronica Et Annales Regnantibus Henrico Tertio Et Edwardo Primo: A, Parts 1259-1307... by Guilelmus Rishanger ISBN: 9781248270776 List Price: $46.75
Simon De Montfort His Cause, 1251-1266: Extracts From the Writings of Robert of Gloucester, ... by Hutton, William Holden, Wil... ISBN: 9781331220008 List Price: $10.57
Matthew Paris's English History: From the Year 1235 to 1273, Volume 2 by John Allen Giles, Matthew P... ISBN: 9781297595714 List Price: $29.95
Matthew Paris's English History: From the Year 1235 to 1273, Volume 3 by John Allen Giles, Matthew P... ISBN: 9781297537585 List Price: $29.95
Matthew Paris's English History: From the Year 1235 to 1273, Volume 1 by John Allen Giles, Matthew P... ISBN: 9781298535283 List Price: $30.95
The Chronicle of William De Rishanger, of the Barons' War: The Miracles of Simon De Montfort by James Orchard Halliwell-Phi... ISBN: 9781298706447 List Price: $24.95
Matthew Paris's English History: From the Year 1235 to 1273 by Paris, Matthew, Rishanger, ... ISBN: 9781355745273 List Price: $29.95
Chronicle of William de Rishanger, of the Baron's War, the Miracles of Simon de Montfort by Rishanger, William, Cottoni... ISBN: 9780608354316 List Price: $65.80
The Chronicle of William de Rishanger, of the Barons' Wars: The Miracles of Simon de Montfor... by Halliwell, James Orchard, J... ISBN: 9781334208041 List Price: $16.57
Matthew Paris's English History : From the Year 1235 To 1273 by Giles, John Allen, Paris, M... ISBN: 9781340897192 List Price: $29.95
Willelmi Rishanger, Quondam Monachi S. Albani, et Quorundam Anonymorum, Chronica et Annales,... by Rishanger, William, Henry T... ISBN: 9781345741261 List Price: $30.95
Matthew Paris's English History : From the Year 1235 To 1273 by Rishanger, William ISBN: 9781346309118 List Price: $30.95
Chronica et Annales Regnantibus Henrico Tertio et Edwardo Primo : A, Parts 1259-1307 by Rishanger, Guilelmus ISBN: 9781345181302 List Price: $31.95
Matthew Paris's English History : From the Year 1235 to 1273, Volume 1 by Giles, John Allen, Paris, M... ISBN: 9781346117737 List Price: $30.95
The Chronicle Of William De Rishanger, Of The Barons' Wars by Rishanger, William, William... ISBN: 9781343447158 List Price: $24.95
Simon de Montfort and His Cause, 1251-1266 : Extracts from the Writings of Robert of Glouces... by Hutton, William Holden ISBN: 9781293694015 List Price: $24.75
Matthew Paris's English History : From the Year 1235 to 1273, Volume 3 - Primary Source Edition by Giles, John Allen, Paris, M... ISBN: 9781293794265 List Price: $39.75
Chronicle of William de Rishanger, of the Barons' War : The Miracles of Simon de Montfort - ... by Halliwell-Phillipps, James ... ISBN: 9781295647743 List Price: $24.75
Matthew Paris's English History : From the Year 1235 to 1273, Volume 2 - Primary Source Edition by Giles, John Allen, Paris, M... ISBN: 9781293684153 List Price: $41.75
Matthew Paris's English History : From the Year 1235 to 1273, Volume 1 - Primary Source Edition by Giles, John Allen, Paris, M... ISBN: 9781294793809 List Price: $43.75
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