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Plutarchs Ausgew Hlte Biographieen, Volume 2 (German Edition) by Unknown ISBN: 9781249980018 List Price: $37.75
Plutarch's Lives the Translation Called Dryden's by Clough, A. H. ISBN: 9781151139412 List Price: $34.43
Plutarch's Lives, 6 by Langhorne, John ISBN: 9780217250245 List Price: $23.99
The Female Revolutionary Plutarch: Containing Biographical, Historical, and Revolutionary Sk... by Goldsmith, Lewis, Stewarton... ISBN: 9781142375317 List Price: $36.75
Alexander the Great Selections from Arrian, Diodorus, Plutarch, and Quintus Curtius by Romm, James, Romm, James, R... ISBN: 9780872207288 List Price: $34.95
Kritische Beitrge Zu Den Moralia Des Plutarch (German Edition) by Karl Stegmann ISBN: 9781149619926 List Price: $15.75
Lives. Englished by Sir Thomas North in ten volumes by Plutarch Plutarch, Thomas N... ISBN: 9781179001395 List Price: $35.75
Lives. Englished by Sir Thomas North in ten volumes by Plutarch Plutarch, Thomas N... ISBN: 9781179014814 List Price: $34.75
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans. Englished by Sir Thomas North Anno 1579, with an Int... by Plutarch, Thomas North, Plu... ISBN: 9781178999471 List Price: $36.75
Lives Englished by Sir Thomas North In by Plutarch, Plutarch, North, ... ISBN: 9781179006178 List Price: $38.75
M Tullii Ciceronis Opera Ad Optimas Editiones Collat : Praemittitur Vita Ex Plutarchi Graeco... by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Qui... ISBN: 9781179299655 List Price: $39.75
Moralia, in fifteen volumes, with an English translation by Frank Cole Babbitt by Plutarch Plutarch, Frank Co... ISBN: 9781179389233 List Price: $40.75
Morals: Ethical essays. Translated, with notes and index by Plutarch Plutarch, Arthur R... ISBN: 9781179385891 List Price: $36.75
Moralia, in Fifteen Volumes, with an English Translation by Frank Cole Babbitt by Plutarch, Plutarch, Babbitt... ISBN: 9781179404745 List Price: $39.75
Moralia, in Fifteen Volumes, with an English Translation by Frank Cole Babbitt by Plutarch, Plutarch, Babbitt... ISBN: 9781179410111 List Price: $42.75
Moralia; Twenty Essays Translated by Philemon Holland by Plutarch, Plutarch, Holland... ISBN: 9781179413167 List Price: $36.75
Moralia, in Fifteen Volumes, with an English Translation by Frank Cole Babbitt by Plutarch, Plutarch, Babbitt... ISBN: 9781179693323 List Price: $43.75
Animadversiones in Plutarchi Opera Morali : Ad Editionem Oxoniensem Emendatius Expressae, Vo... by Wyttenbach, Daniel Albert, ... ISBN: 9781179846941 List Price: $40.75
Plutarch, His Life, His Parallel Lives, and His Morals; Five Lectures by Trench, Richard Chenevix ISBN: 9781179984827 List Price: $22.75
Plutarch's Essays and Miscellanies : Comprising all his works collected under the title of M... by Plutarch, Plutarch, Goodwin... ISBN: 9781179988993 List Price: $40.75
Plutarch's Essays and Miscellanies : Comprising all his works collected under the title of M... by Plutarch, Plutarch, Goodwin... ISBN: 9781179988894 List Price: $42.75
Plutarch's Essays and Miscellanies : Comprising all his works collected under the title of M... by Plutarch, Plutarch, Goodwin... ISBN: 9781179988917 List Price: $41.75
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