Showing 1 - 25 of 730 Results
Pulaar-English/English-Pulaar by Niang, Mamadou ISBN: 9780781804790 List Price: $19.95
Estimating the value of ecotourism in the Djoudj National Bird Park in Senegal by Oumou K. Ly, Joshua Bishop,... ISBN: 9782831709680 List Price: $12.75
Intgration conomique et montaire des pays africains:: de la zone frnac CFA au projet d'union... by Mamadou Khalidou BASSOUM ISBN: 9786131556975 List Price: $108.00
Commande et Observateurs pour les Systmes Non Linaires par MG: Les Modes Glissants (MG) (Fre... by Thierno Mamadou Pathé DIALLO ISBN: 9786131557705 List Price: $38.00
African Nations and World Solidarity by Dia, Mamadou, Cook, Mercer ISBN: 9780313245695 List Price: $68.95
On a Mission: Mamadou's Wedding and My Naming Ceremony by McIntosh, Jane Banks ISBN: 9780595422579 List Price: $15.95
Supercondensateurs: Caractrisation et Intgrations dans les applications de Transports et ner... by Mamadou Baïlo CAMARA, Maham... ISBN: 9786131517860 List Price: $110.00
Param�trisation en M�canique des Fluides et Analyse Math�matique by Sy, Mamadou ISBN: 9786131595684 List Price: $51.00
Heat Transfer Issues in Thin-Film Thermal Radiation Detectors by Mamadou Y. Barry ISBN: 9781288910571 List Price: $49.00
Historical Memory in Africa : Dealing with the Past, Reaching for the Future in an Intercult... by Diawara, Mamadou, Lategan, ... ISBN: 9781782380832 List Price: $34.95
Adaptive Behavior on Climate Change Event : Jakarta's Flood In 2007 by Susandi Armi, Pratiwi Dwi R... ISBN: 9783659293153 List Price: $62.00
Impacts des Eaux Us�es Sur la Chimie et la Microbiologie des Sols by Ndiaye, Mamadou Lamine ISBN: 9786131542954 List Price: $55.00
Afrique Subsaharienne : Mieux g�rer les Syst�mes �ducatifs by San�, Mamadou V. Lamine ISBN: 9786131528590 List Price: $50.00
Effets de la S�cheresse Sur le Riz by Mamadou, Fofana ISBN: 9786131527449 List Price: $75.00
Investisseurs et Marchs Financiers:: Du comportement des agents la formation de prix d'qu... by Mamadou Abdoulaye Konte ISBN: 9786131589614 List Price: $81.00
Contribution la connaissance de la dysmnorrhe chez l'adolescente: dysmnorrhe chez l'adolesc... by Kolly Aly Dembele, Mamadou ... ISBN: 9786131587061 List Price: $52.00
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