Showing 1 - 25 of 274 Results
Antioch As a Centre of Hellenic Culture As Observed by Libanius by Norman, A. F., Norman, A. F... ISBN: 9780853235958 List Price: $18.95
Select Works of the Emperor Julian, and Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius, Translated from... by Julian, Emperor Of Rome ISBN: 9781171004073 List Price: $33.75
Works of the Emperor Julian, and Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius, Translated from the Gr... by Julian, Emperor Of Rome ISBN: 9781171471240 List Price: $33.75
Libanius Autobiography and Selected Letters by Norman, A. F., Norman, A. F... ISBN: 9780674995277 List Price: $24.00
Libanius's Progymnasmata by Gibson, Craig A. ISBN: 9781589833609 List Price: $64.95
Works of the Emperor Julian, and Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanus, Translated from the Greek by Julian, Emperor Of Rome, Du... ISBN: 9781177757935 List Price: $33.75
Select Works of the Emperor Julian V2 : And Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius (1784) by Julian Emperor of Rome, Jul... ISBN: 9781164401735 List Price: $39.96
Libanius Vol. 1 : Concordantiae in Libanium by Unknown ISBN: 9783487101323 List Price: $260.00
Essai Sur la Vie et la Correspondance du Sophiste Libanius by (Louis), Petit L., (Louis),... ISBN: 9781173105051 List Price: $28.75
Works of the Emperor Julian, and Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanus, Translated from the Greek by Julian, Emperor Of Rome, Du... ISBN: 9781178020564 List Price: $34.75
Select Works of the Emperor Julian, and Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius by Julian, Emperor Of Rome, Du... ISBN: 9781178018844 List Price: $34.75
Libanius Autobiography and Selected Letters by Norman, A. F., Libanius ISBN: 9780674995284 List Price: $24.00
Libanius Selected Works by Libanius, Warmington, E. H.... ISBN: 9780674994966 List Price: $24.00
Select Works of the Emperor Julian V2 : And Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius (1784) by Julian Emperor Of Rome, Lib... ISBN: 9781164196198 List Price: $27.96
Between City and School : Selected Orations of Libanius by Cribiore, Raffaella ISBN: 9781781382530
School of Libanius in Late Antique Antioch by Cribiore, Raffaella ISBN: 9780691171357
Libanius Selected Works by Libanius, Warmington, E. H.... ISBN: 9780674994973 List Price: $24.00
Das Leben des Libanius by Jorit Wintjes ISBN: 9783896468345 List Price: $117.50
Between City and School : Selected Orations of Libanius by Cribiore, Raffaella ISBN: 9781781382523
Select Works of the Emperor Julian V1 : And Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius by Julian, Emperor, Duncombe, ... ISBN: 9781163110294 List Price: $27.16
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